EPP Undergraduate Scholarship Program (USP)
Class of 2007-2009
Name: Alford, Aniesha
School: Fayetteville State University
Major: Computer Science
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NWS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: John Schattel
Presentation: Adding a ZIP Code Interface to a Web Service
2nd Summer: OAR, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Derrick Snowden
Presentation: Incorporating Real-Time Climate Reference Station Data into the Observing System Monitoring Center
Name: Bunting, Eric
School: Bethune-Cookman College
Major: Engineering and Mathematics
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NWS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Michael Graf
Presentation: TAMDAR’s Effects on the Accuracy of the Ceiling and Visibility in TAFs
2nd Summer: OMAO, Edwards, CA
Mentor: Philip Hall
Presentation: Ikhana Project and Designing a Middle Console for Pilots
Name: Chandler, LaToya
School: Florida A&M University
Major: Environmental Science
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NMFS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Tim Haverland
Presentation: Linking Fisheries Observers Programs Around the World
2nd Summer: NMFS, Miami, FL
Mentor: Bridget Mansfield
Presentation: Goliath Grouper Population Distribution
Name: Grant, Karl
School: Florida A&M University
Major: Environmental Science
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NOS/NCCOS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Gunnar Lauenstein
Presentation: Measurement of PAHs, Butylins, Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Mussels Collected in the mid-1940s
Name: Hoyett, Zakiya
School: Norfolk State University
Major: Chemistry
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NMFS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Tom Bigford
Presentation: New Energy and New Relationships
2nd Summer: OAR/ARL, Oak Ridge, TN
Mentor: LaToya Myles
Presentation: The Ups and Downs of Ammonia: A Study of Ammonia Flux in the Eastern U.S.
Name: Lum, Cassidy
School: University of Hawaii - Manoa
Major: Marine Biology
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Kate Thompson
Presentation: NMS in the Media: Kids and Effective Communication for Environmental Education
2nd Summer: NMFS, Honolulu, HI
Mentor: Thea Johanos-Kam
Presentation: Protecting the Hawaiian Monk Seal
Name: Magdaleno, Antonio
School: Bakersfield College
Major: Electrical Engineering
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NWS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Michael Graf
Presentation: Translating Numbers to Performance
2nd Summer: OMAO, Tampa, FL
Mentor: Jim Roles
Presentation: Aircraft Radiometer Upgrade on the Hurricane Hunters
Name: Malone, Vanessa
School: University of the Virgin Islands
Major: Chemistry
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Al Strong
Presentation: Constraining Ocean Acidification in the Carribean
2nd Summer: OAR/ESRL, Boulder, CO
Mentor: James Elkins
Presentation: The Separation of Gas Components Using Gas Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, and Electron Capture Detection
Name: Mathis, William
School: Grambling State University
Major: Physics
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Dan Pisut
Presentation: Developing Computer Programs to Analyze Satellite Data for Incorporation into Data Visualization
Name: Oliver, Gregory
School: University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Major: Marine Science
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NMFS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Suzanne Bolton
Presentation: Using GIS for Offshore Aquaculture Site Selection off the California Coast
2nd Summer: NMFS/NWFSC, Seattle, WA
Mentor: Mike Rust
Presentation: Growth of Pacific Threadfin (Polydactylus sexfilis) on Diets substituting Stabilized Salmon Co-product Meal for Conventional Fish Meal and Fish Oil
Name: Phillips, Eual
School: Grambling State University
Major: Chemistry
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NWS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Jim O'Sullivan
Presentation: Exploring the Environmental Impacts and In-Flight Photo-oxidation of Balloons Used in NOAA Operations and Activities
Name: Raiford, Kelvin
School: North Carolina Central University
Major: Geography
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NOS/NCCOS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Tracey Gill
Presentation: A Bio-geographic Assessment off North/Central California: A GIS Analysis of Marine Mammal Sightings
2nd Summer: NOS, Honolulu, HI
Mentor: Jamie Carter
Presentation: The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Support Coastal Management in Hawaii
Name: Rouser, Ashley
School: Jackson State University
Major: Biology and Mathematics
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NMFS/OS&T, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Laura Oremland
Presentation: Overnight Field Trip’s Impact on Student’s Interest in Marine Science and the National Ocean Science Bowls
2nd Summer: NMFS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Patricia Clay
Presentation: Trends in Permit Ownership in the NMFS Northeast Region, 1997-2007
Name: West, Jamal
School: Jackson State University
Major: Meteorology
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NWS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Aimee Devaries
Presentation: Research Pertaining to the Economic Value of Weather Information
2nd Summer: OMAO, Tampa, FL
Mentor: Jim Roles
Presentation: An Investigation into the Possible Degradation of GPS Dropsonde Data in a Super-cooled Environment
Name: White, Brittany
School: University of San Diego
Major: Marine Science
NOAA Internship / Research:
1st Summer: NMFS, Silver Spring, MD
Mentor: Tom Bigford
Presentation: Two National Projects to Track Habitat Conservation Success
2nd Summer: NMFS, Galveston, TX
Mentor: Tom Minello
Presentation: Tracking Small-scale Movement Patterns of Juvenile Brown Shrimp and White Shrimp in Marsh Nursery Habitats
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General Information
About EPP Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Background Info
Program Description
What Is Expected Of Participants
Evaluation Process
Selection Process
Scholarship Recipients
Eligibility Requirements
How To Apply
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
NOAA Internships
Photo Gallery Photo Gallery
NOAA IT Security NOAA IT Security
Internship Final Week
Award Recipients Award Recipients
Research Training Record
(RTR)Online System
Student Scholarship
Internship Opportunity
(SSIO) Online System
Student Profiles
Class of 2012-2014
Class of 2011-2013
Class of 2010-2012
Class of 2009-2011
Class of 2008-2010
Class of 2007-2009
Class of 2006-2008
Class of 2005-2007
Class of 2004-2006
Class of 2003-2005
Class of 2002-2004
Class of 2001-2003
NOAA Mentors
How to host an
undergraduate scholar
Downloadable Forms (.pdf)
Internship Locations
2012 Internship Opportunity Form
2012 Internship Opportunity Form Instructions
Photo Release Form
Travel Request Form
Research Project Plan
Site Visit Survey
Certification of Enrollment Form
Student Info Sheet
Voluntary Alumni Update Form