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SOI Tax Stats - Estate, Gift and Trust Statistics

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The studies in this section relate to the Federal Transfer tax system (estate and gift taxes) and to trusts, which are an integral part of many estate plans.

Estate Tax Statistics

Snapshot of Estate Tax Statistics

This annual study includes information on gross estate and its composition, deductions, and tax, as well as information on the age, sex, and marital status of decedents. Estate tax data are produced by filing year and selected years of death. Data are compiled from Form 706.

Gift Tax

Snapshot of Gift Tax Statistics

This study includes information on gifts to individuals and charities that exceed the annual exclusion. Data are collected for the donor of the gift, the amount of each individual gift reported, the computation of lifetime gifts, and calculation of tax liability. Data are compiled from Form 709.

Income from
Trusts & Estates

Snapshot of Income from Trusts and Estates (Form 1041)

These population data, derived from IRS Master File data, include information on income, deductions, and tax liability reported for estates and domestic trusts. Information on Foreign Trusts is also available. Data are compiled from Form 1041.

Nonresident Alien
Estate Tax

Snapshot of Nonresident Alien Estate Tax

Provides data on estate tax returns filed for non-U.S. citizens who owned at least $60,000 worth of property within the U.S. at time of death. Data are classified by tax status and size of U.S. gross estate. This study is conducted annually and data are compiled from Form 706NA.

Personal Wealth

This periodic study provides estimates of personal wealth of top wealth holders that are generated from estate tax return data using the "estate multiplier" technique, in conjunction with both filing-year and year-of-death estate databases.

Split Interest Trusts

Snapshot of Split Interest Data

Split-interest trusts make distributions to both charitable and non-charitable beneficiaries, while providing tax benefits to their donors. Based on the method and timing of distributions, split-interest trusts are divided into four categories: charitable remainder annuity trusts, charitable remainder unitrusts, charitable lead trusts, and pooled income funds. Data are compiled from Form 5227.

Estate and Gift Tax Archive


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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2013-01-22