Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF)

What is the Compressive Soldier Fitness (CSF) / Resilience Program for Soldier and Family Members?

The program, based on 30-plus years of scientific study and results, uses individual assessments, tailored virtual training, classroom training and embedded resilience experts to provide the critical skills our Soldiers, Family members and Army Civilians need.

Why is it important?

CSF marks a new era for the Army by comprehensively equipping and training our Soldiers, Family members and Army Civilians to maximize their potential and face the physical and psychological challenges of sustained operations. We are committed to a true prevention model, aimed at the entire force, which will enhance resilience and coping skills enabling them to grow and thrive in today's Army.

Improved Performance and Readiness

Improved Soldier performance and readiness. Build confidence to lead, courage to stand up for one's beliefs and compassion to help others. Comprehensive Soldier Fitness is about maximizing one's potential.

CSF is NOT...

o   Not a single course, event, or requirement.

o   There is no stand-down or chain-teach!

o   Not a "screen" for any physical or psychological disease or dysfunction, including suicide.

o   Not something we "do" after a Soldier has a negative psychological, physical, social, or professional outcome.

Why participate in the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program?

o    The Army recognizes the increased sacrifices our Family members make on a daily basis. The CSF program is designed to provide Family members with the thinking skills and coping strategies needed to take care of themselves and their Soldier. The program helps link them with resources and tools available in the military community that can build resilience.

How can I participate in the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program?

o    Family members can take the Global Assessment Tool, which is an assessment of a person’s baseline in the dimensions of strength: emotional, social, spiritual and family. The assessment provides immediate results that link to tailored self-development training. This training provides a wide-range of tools to better communicate with Family members and Soldier, as well as tools allowing a person to maximize their overall potential.

What’s in it for me?

o    Our Army is strong in part because of the support our Soldiers receive from their Families.  This program enables Family members to actively manage various physical and psychological challenges in their personal lives, and continue to be the pillar of support behind our Soldiers. The Strength of the Nation depends on it.

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Date created: 2/1/2012 9:38:42 AM
Date last updated: 2/21/2012 2:58:38 PM