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Schedule for Posting Web Content

Personal Identity Verification Credentials

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Schedule for Posting Web Content
When Posted
  1. News Releases

The second Thursday of every month, following the FCA Board meeting. Additional releases are published on an as-needed basis.

  1. FCA Annual Report on the Farm Credit System

Annually in June.

  1. Inspector General’s Semiannual Report to Congress

Semiannually in December and June.

  1. FCA Performance and Accountability Report

Annually in November.

  1. FCA Strategic Plan

Every five years with interim updates as needed.

  1. FCA Information Resources Management Plan

Annually in October.

  1. FCA Regulatory Performance Plan

Semiannually, in spring and fall.

  1. FCA Fiscal Year Budget (Proposed) and Performance Budget

Annually in February.

  1. No FEAR Act data

Annually in October.

  1. FCA Freedom of Information Act Annual Reports

Annually on January 31.

  1. FAIR Act Commercial Activities Inventory

Annually in August.

  1. Information Quality report

Annually when there are information quality complaints. Currently, there are none.

  1. E-Gov Act Report 

Annually, as instructed by the Office of Management and Budget.

  1. Consolidated Reporting System Reports (including Uniform Call Reports)


  1. FISMA reviews and evaluations, located under Inspection Reports

Annually, in October.

  1. FCS Major Financial Indicators

After end of each quarter.

  1. Corporate activity reports, located at Mergers, Name Changes, and Other Corporate Activity

After end of each quarter.

  1. Pending regulations and notices

As they are promulgated.

  1. Public comments

As they are made.

  1. Board Policy Statements

  2. Bookletters

  3. Informational Memorandums

  4. Selected legal opinions

  5. FCA Handbook updates

  6. Examination bulletins

When they are released.

  1. Procurement opportunities

When they are available.

  1. FCA Quarterly Report on Issuance of Personal Identity Verification Credentials
