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Regulatory Branch - Agents, Consultants and Contractors

The Norfolk District Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch maintains two lists of those individuals and companies that want to offer services to the public. This is done only at the request of the person or company and does not indicate that they are qualified to perform any specific type of work or service. There are neither conditions nor requirements to be included on these lists. It is the responsibility of the list user to insure that the person or company has the capability to perform the work or services needed.

1. These lists are not necessarily complete. Other firms and individuals are capable of performing these services if qualified.
2. These lists have been prepared in alphabetical order and they are not endorsement of any firm.
3. Other firms and/or individuals interested in being added to the list should contact the Corps.

To delineate wetlands and other waters of the United States, the consultant you select should be familiar with and utilize the current 1987 Corps Wetlands Delineation Manual, and subsequent guidance, to perform a wetlands delineation. The consultant's findings should then be provided to the Corps in the form of a report. Corps staff will review the validity of the report and make a written and appealable agency determination on the presence and extent of wetlands and other waters of the United States on the property.

This is a list of Waterfront Agents and Construction firms.

This is a list of Wetlands and Waters of the U.S. Consultants.