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The USGS Henry Gannett Award

Award Process


Eligibility and Award Criteria

Eligibility: Any individual or group of individuals working as a team, contractors, citizen groups, youth, and private sector entities, non-government organizations, and representatives of Federal, State, local and tribal governments whose contributions to the USGS' objectives and programs are eligible to receive this award. This award may be given to any combination of entities that meet the award criteria.

Award Criteria: Award Criteria: The Henry Gannett Award recognizes sustained and distinguished contributions to USGS topographic mapping of the Nation. The mission of NGP is twofold: (1) to organize, maintain, publish, and disseminate the geospatial baseline of the Nation's topography, natural landscape, and built environment through The National Map, a set of basic geospatial information provided as a variety of products and services. And (2) to foster a general understanding of broad geographic patterns, trends, and conditions through The National Atlas of the United States of America. The award is given for activities which result in significant gains or improvements in advancing the mission of NGP and the interests of the geospatial community in general. The following are some examples of the types of service for which the award may be given:

  1. Special studies, research, or development that contributes to the growth, quality or coverage of topographic information for the Nation.

  2. Efforts of professors, scientists, journalists or others in successfully bringing the public an understanding of the impact and benefits of mapping and/or the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.

  3. Acceleration or improving relationships of the geospatial partnerships in a State, region, or nationally.

Nomination Process

Nomination Process: A call for nominations is made biennially by the USGS NGP. Nominations for this award may be made by those internal or external to USGS. Each nomination package must be submitted in electronic form and must include:

  1. A draft citation no more than two pages that clearly documents significant contributions as outlined by the established award criteria.

  2. A complete list of the full names of organizations/teams/individual(s) who will receive the award.

  3. Names and contact information for the individual(s) preparing the nomination.

A nomination form is now available for the 2013 award process. Nominations will be accepted through February 26, 2013.  

Selection Process and Award Presentation

Selection Process: Nominations will be considered by a panel of members from The National Map Leadership Team, who collectively manage the National Geospatial Program and The National Map . The panel will review the nominations and will recommend award finalists for approval by the USGS Associate Director for Core Science Systems. Finalists that do not receive an award may submit their nomination again the following year. For anyone that has received the Henry Gannett Award in the past, the new nomination submitted must demonstrate significant new developments or improvements over past contributions in order to be considered.

Award Presentation: The award consists of a plaque and citation signed by the Director of the National Geospatial Program, USGS. Presentation of this award will be made at a ceremony appropriate to the occasion, such as the Annual USGS Awards Ceremony held in Reston, or, in conjunction with meetings or organized groups with which the honoree may be associated.  

Previous Recipients

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 30-Jan-2013 08:58:12 EST