Argonne National Laboratory Center for Nanoscale Materials U.S. Department of Energy

Working at CNM

For information on visiting Argonne National Laboratory, collaborating with us, or becoming an independent outside user of our facilities, please contact the CNM User Office.

Hours of Operation

The CNM provides users with routine access to facilities and instrumentation, as well as technical assistance when needed, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday-Friday except for Laboratory holidays and maintenance shutdowns. These hours are also in place for the availability of staff in the Theory and Modeling and X-Ray Microscopy Groups. The supercomputing facility (Carbon) and the hard X-ray nanoprobe facility at Sector 26 of the APS are available 24 hours, 7 days a week, except for maintenance shutdowns. Users are expected to schedule their work in advance in consultation with their CNM scientific contact and/or tool custodians

User Obligations

Below is a summary of what the CNM expects of users in return for access to the facility.

Registration: Register with the CNM as far in advance of your initial visit as possible (even when you are simply planning an experiment).

User Agreement: Ensure that a User Agreement is in place between the CNM and your home institution.

Training: Ensure that you complete all required training before conducting hands-on work at the CNM.

User Work Approval: Complete user work approval documents.

Visitors Logbook: Record all building entries and exits in the CNM Visitors Logbook; this daily record is for safety and security purposes.

Guests: Arrange for a CNM staff member to escort potential visitors and guests who are not CNM users; you cannot host a tour or a guest visit.

Maintenance Periods: In addition to holidays and other Argonne closures, no user activities are permitted during the three week-long maintenance periods that occur each year at CNM. The laboratories in Building 440, Building 441, and the high-performance computing cluster are closed to users during these periods. The periods take place during:

  • First week in January following the December holiday break
  • Last week in May before the Memorial Day holiday break
  • First week in September following the Labor Day holiday break

End of Experiment Survey: Complete the end of experiment form to provide feedback.

Acknowledgment Statement: Acknowledge the use of the CNM when publishing results of research conducted at the CNM according to the language in this statement.

Publication: Report all publications resulting from work at the CNM to the User Office as soon as the publication appears

Activity Report: Contribute summaries of your work at the CNM to the periodic CNM User Activity Reports.

Highlights: Contribute information on high-profile results for CNM use in annual reports, the CNM web site, etc.

Personal Data: Once you have received an Argonne badge, if you relocate to a different home institution or have any changes in your contact information or visa status, please log in as a “Returning User” and update your profile.

Badge: Abide by the requirements associated with holding an Argonne badge.

Medical Emergencies: Dial 911 in cases of injury, illness, or medical emergency of a non-Argonne employee; the Argonne Fire Department will respond and provide transportation to an offsite medical facility. If non-Argonne employees enter the Argonne Medical Department with an injury, illness, or medical emergency, they will be given minimal treatment, and the medical staff will call the Fire Department for transportation to an offsite medical facility. Users are expected to carry their own health insurance for treatment at offsite medical facilities.

More Information


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The Center for Nanoscale Materials is an Office of Science User Facility operated for
the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory