Argonne National Laboratory Center for Nanoscale Materials U.S. Department of Energy

End-of-Experiment Survey

Project Information

1. What is your proposal number?

Administrative Support

1. The processing of my experiment proposal was:

2. The efficiency of the processing and orientation procedure was:

3. The documentation available on the CNM web site to prepare you for your visit was:

Comments about overall support:

Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H)

1. The safety review/work authorization process was:

Comments on safety review, including suggested improvements to the forms used:

2. With respect to stated objectives, the content provided in ESH 100U and CNM User Orientation is:

3. In general, the content of the ES&H training was appropriate for non-resident users of Argonne National Laboratory facilities?

Other comments about ES&H:


1. Was your visit to the CNM a success (obtained enough data to move program ahead)?

Comments about your research at CNM:

2. Was the support provided by the scientific staff consistent with your expectations?

Comments on scientific support:

3. Are there operational changes that you would like to see made to research equipment and tools that you used?

Comments on equipment and tools:

4. Are there any areas of the CNM User Program that you found particularly helpful or would like to see expanded?

Comments on User Program:

OPTIONAL: Please provide your contact information so that we can respond to your comments.

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The Center for Nanoscale Materials is an Office of Science User Facility operated for
the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory