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Doing Business in the Czech Republic

Exporting to the Czech Republic

In 2010, President Obama announced the National Export Initiative (NEI) with the goal of doubling exports by 2014. In this section, you’ll find a quick description of the Czech Republic as an export market, some suggestions for getting started and resources to help you reach your goals.


At Mission Prague, the U.S. Commercial Service, the U.S. Agricultural Trade Office and the U.S. Office of Defense Cooperation work to promote the export of U.S. goods, services and technology in today’s global marketplace.

  • The U.S. Commercial Service offers assistance to U.S. companies doing business in the Czech Republic as well as exporting goods and services here. Commercial specialists can help you identify trade opportunities, find Czech trading partners, launch your company locally, and obtain market research reports. The Commercial Service also provides extensive information on major trade shows in the Czech Republic.
  • The Foreign Agriculture Service is a part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and provides trade contacts for Czech buyers looking for U.S. food and beverage products, market briefs to help U.S. firms enter and compete in the Czech food market, promotional materials for U.S. foods, a directory of American food suppliers in Europe, and trade show assistance for U.S. suppliers. The Foreign Agriculture Service is also responsible for agricultural trade issues such as agricultural policy, food aid and biotechnology.
  • The Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) is responsible for the full range of defense cooperation activities in the Czech Republic. Chief among these activities is the support of bi-lateral armaments cooperation programs. Other activities include U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) of defense articles, services and training. ODC serves as the link between the U.S. Department of Defense and the Czech Government. The Czech Republic has procured and continues to support many of its most important armaments systems through the assistance of the ODC.

Getting Started

  • Contact us! We have a team of dedicated professionals on the ground that want to help you succeed. From counseling to matchmaking, we are here to serve your exporting needs.
  • Whether you are a first time exporter or a seasoned veteran, the website is a great place to get started.  Access the U.S. Commercial Service Market Research Library containing more than 100,000 industry and country-specific market reports, authored by our specialists working in overseas posts. Obtain information on financing exports. Visit the page on the Czech Republic to get an overview of economic conditions and opportunities.
  • Contact your local U.S. Export Assistance Center for advice and support on exporting to the Czech Republic. You can Contact a Trade Specialist Near You at the site.
  • Contact your local Small Business Development Center (SBDCs). Starting a business can be a challenge, but there is help for you in your area. Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) are partnerships primarily between the government and colleges/universities administered by the Small Business Administration and aims at giving educational services for small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. 
  • Contact in-country business support organizations such as the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic.

Investing in the Czech Republic

If you are interested in investing in the Czech Republic, Embassy Prague can assist with counseling and referrals, and provide a focused briefing on the political, economic and business environment in the Czech Republic. For a more detailed assistance, we would refer you Czech Invest and to local private business consultants and law offices specialized for foreign investors.

Potential Investors: Getting Started

If you are considering investment in the Czech Republic, here are some steps you may wish to consider as you get started:

  • Register with the U.S. Embassy – If you are planning a visit to consider investment, let us know by sending an email to the contact addresses on this page.
  • Visit host country resources, such as Czech Invest.
  • Subscribe to our embassy Facebook page or Twitter feed

Current Investors: Staying Connected

If you are a current U.S. investor in the Czech Republic, the U.S Embassy wants to stay in touch. Here are a few steps you can take to keep the channels of communication open:

  • Register with the U.S. Embassy – If you are active in the Czech Republic, let us know by sending an email to the contact addresses on this page.
  • Add us to your mailing lists – we are always happy to stay informed.
  • Subscribe to our embassy Facebook page or Twitter feed.
  • Set up a meeting with our commercial team to discuss any issues that we might assist with or should be aware of.

Travel Advisories

Make sure to check the current State Department travel advisory for the Czech Republic.

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