Installation Logistics

Contact Info
  • Directors, Installation Logistics Directorate
  • 1 Rock Island Arsenal
  • Rock Island, IL 61299-6500
  • DSN 793-5070/4253 / COMM 309-782-5040-4253
Mission Statement

DOL Enterprise accepts transfer of resources, assumes full control of Directorates of Logistics from Installation Management Command, and provides installation level logistics in support of Senior Commanders and force generation to align core competencies, eliminate redundancies gain efficiencies, and produce readiness at best value.

Subject Matter Expert Contact Info
  • Acquisition: DSN 793-8361 / COM 309-782-8361
  • Direct Reporting DOLs: DSN 793-8632 / COM 309-782-8632
  • Plans and Operations: DSN 793-3954 / COM 309-782-3954
  • Resource Requirements: DSN 793-6482 / COM 309-782-6482
  • Maintenance: DSN 793-8384 / COM 309-782-8384
  • Transportation: DSN 793-8273 / COM 309-782-8273
  • Supply and Services: DSN 793-4080 / COM 309-782-408
Why DOL Transfer?

The Army created four core enterprises to ensure the Generating Force is as agile, versatile, and responsive as the Operational Forces it supports. The enterprises of readiness, human capital, services and infrastructure, and materiel bring together the key Army stakeholders to better align core competencies and resources to the Army Force Generation model timelines.

Materiel Enterprise (ME) alignment: The transfer of installation-level Directorates of Logistics from the Army’s Installation Management Command to the U.S. Army Materiel Command will align supply and maintenance functions into the Army’s Materiel Enterprise. The ME is a collaborative association between AMC and the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology and brings together the organizations that develop, acquire, and sustain materiel to enhance accountability, responsibility, and facilitate better decisions at all levels.

Focus: The DOL transfer realigns core competencies of installation management and logistics support into the best-suited commands to reduce redundancies, standardize processes, and free-up resources for other key Army missions. The transfer allows installation commanders to focus on managing their installation and allows AMC to deliver logistics and supply services.

Benefits: When fully implemented, the DOL transformation will allow AMC to be the single source of repair and materiel support at all Army installations in 73 locations around the world. It will help optimize supply, maintenance and other services capacity and capability, improve contract management, and enhance quality and visibility of services.


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