United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System

Contact Us

Listed below are some frequently called numbers that you may find helpful in contacting our staff. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please go to your nearest medical facility emergency room or call 911. If you are in need of immediate crisis counseling, please contact the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-TALK; counselors are available 24/7.

Main VAPHS Mailing Address:
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
University Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15240

Clinic Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon - Fri

Visiting hours and guidelines

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Send a message or comment directly to the VA Pittsburgh Health Care System. All messages will be responded to during normal business hours. Please send only non-urgent questions and comments and do not include any personal health care information or personal identification information.

To send a secure message including personal information, please use the Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS). [Privacy Policy]
Main VAPHS Phone Numbers:
24-hour toll-free phone number 1-866-4VA-PITT (1-866-482-7488)
University Drive Division 412-688-6000
Highland Drive Division 412-365-4900
H. John Heinz Division 412-822-2222
Pharmacy Hotline 1-866-400-1242 (Open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
24-Hour Automated Prescription Refills 412-822-3140
Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
VA National Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS):
For assistance with all matters related to the Department of Veteran's Affairs, the Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS) has information covering all VA Departments, services and benefits. IRIS also provides an opportunity for you to submit questions including personal information using a secure messaging system. [Privacy Policy]
Careers at VAPHS:
Working with and for America's veterans is a privilege, and we pride ourselves on the quality of care we provide. Learn more about careers within the Veterans Administration and view all available positions at VAPHS.
Media and Interview Requests:
To obtain interviews with regard to VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System business, please contact David Cowgill, Public and Community Relations Manager, at 412-822-3578.
Frequently Called Numbers for VAPHS:
Admissions 412-360-6162
Adult Day Health Care 412-822-2080
After Hours Nurse Helpline 1-888-558-3812
Audiology & Speech Pathology 412-360-6400
Behavioral Health 412-360-6600
Billing 412-822-1077
Caregiver Support Coordinator 412-954-5454
Center for Treatment of Addictive Disorders 412-360-6110
DAV Van 412-360-6957
Dental Clinic 412-822-2130
Domiciliary 412-822-1326/1329
Eligibility 412-360-6993
Ear Nose and Throat 412-360-6208
Eye Clinic 412-360-6207
Fee Basis 412-822-1227
Healthy Women's Center - Mammograms 412-360-1854
Heroes Hall 412-360-1117
Lost and Found 412-360-6273
Means Test 412-360-6263
Medical Specialty - Rainbow Clinic 412-360-6242
My Healthevet 412-360-6897
Neurology 412-360-6185
Nurse Recruiter
(Medical/Surgical, Critical Care, Outpatient Services)
Nurse Recruiter
(Community Living Centers, Outpatient Services, Psychiatry)
OEF/OIF/OND Clinic 412-822-2362
Orthopedics 412-360-6306
Pain Clinic 412-360-6152
Patient Advocate 412-360-3614
Physical Therapy 412-822-3124 or 412-360-1358
Podiatry 412-360-6795
Police 412-360-6911
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 412-360-6279
24-Hour Prescription Refill 412-822-3140
Primary Care Clinic 412-822-3000
Public Affairs/Media Inquiries 412-822-3578
Prosthetics 412-822-3728
Radiology/Imaging 412-360-6216
Release of Information 412-360-3637
Same Day Surgery 412-360-6211
Social Work 412-360-6203
Surgical Clinics 412-360-6306
TDD/TT 412-360-6187
Transportation 412-360-3620
Tri-Care 412-360-6579
Urology 412-360-6209
Vascular Clinic 412-360-6306
Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-TALK(8255)
Voluntary Services 412-822-3096 or 412-360-6220
Contacting The Joint Commission:
Any individual with a concern about patient/resident care and safety in the hospital should first contact the hospital management. If the hospital management has not addressed or resolved the concern, he or she may contact The Joint Commission at any time.
Contacting The Office of Inspector General
Patients, families, visitors and staff may report suspected criminal activity, fraud, inadequate patient care, waste or abuse of Government resources, or mismanagement of VA programs to Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General.
Web Site Comments or Problems:
To submit any comments or report any technical problems with this Web site, please contact our Web team.