Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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U.S. Department of Energy

Vulnerability Assessment Team (VAT)

More Information about the VAT

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Experience and Expertise

  • We have a unique vulnerability assessment laboratory.
  • We help users choose seals and design the optimum use protocols.
  • We have developed seals training curriculum for DoD.
  • We have demonstrated defeats of many widely used tags and seals (electronic, fiber optic, passive, and tamper-evident packaging), including those used for critical applications.
  • Our team has designed new seals, based on the good and bad features of existing seals, plus novel ideas.
  • We've performed demonstrations, vulnerability assessments, and consulting for a dozen government agencies and eleven private companies.
  • We focus on rapid, low-tech attacks that almost anyone can do.
  • We've devised fundamentally new approaches to tamper detection, intrusion detection, nuclear safeguards and cargo security.
  • Team members have won numerous awards, including: 2013 CSO40 Award, Fellows Prize for Outstanding Research (2003), Contractors Award (2003), LANL Achievement Awards (2003, 1999, & 1996), Excellence in Performance Measure Award ($1000) from ASIS (2002), Distinguished Performance Award from a U.S. government agency (2002), LANL Distinguished Performance Awards (2001 & 1995), LANL Student Mentoring Award (1999), Excellence in Technology Transfer Award (1997), R&D 100 Awards (1994 & 1992), and a dozen U.S. patents.
  • We are serving on three national panels for seal standards.


Last Modified: Mon, February 11, 2013 5:39 PM



VAT Papers

For a selection of VAT papers available upon request, see Publications.

For copies of the VAT papers and presentations on a wide variety of physical security issues (tags, seals, product counterfeiting, vulnerability assessments, RFIDs, GPS, nuclear safeguards), contact Roger Johnston at

Inquiries about the Journal of Physical Security should be addressed to:

Featured Security Maxim...

Physical Security Maxims

For more information:

Vulnerability Assessment Section
Sect. Manager: Roger G. Johnston, Ph.D., CPP
Fax: +1 630-252-7323

Argonne Experts Argonne Experts: Roger Johnston
Roger Johnston on LinkedIn



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