Security and Off-Limits Areas

To help maintain USFK personnel welfare and safety, the following areas and establishments within the ROK are off-limits. Service members found in an off-limits area or participating in a prohibited activity will be in violation of USFK Regulation.

FOR EMERGENCIES DIAL 911 (DSN only) or 031-690-7911.

USFK Reg 190-2 App. A (7 May 04)
The following areas and establishments within the ROK are off-limits:

  • A-1. All acupuncture clinic, civilian medical and dental clinics, pharmacies, drug stores, and civilian hospitals except for the purpose of receiving treatment or prescriptions when referred by U.S. medical treatment facilities, receiving emergency treatment, or visits to patients.
  • A-2. All civilian tattoo parlors, body piercing shops and barber shops.
  • A-5. Streams, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, ocean beach areas or other natural bodies of water for activities such as wading, swimming, bathing, diving, boating, skin/scuba diving or ice skating are off limits unless specifically approved for use by the area or installation commander. These areas may be used for fishing, sunbathing, or other activities in which contact with the water is minimal. As an exception to these restrictions, personnel participating in-group tours sponsored by various organizations within the ROK may participate fully in tour activities.

Camp Humphreys and Area III Off-limits

Century 21 Realtor (Lease Fraud)

Komjinae Convenience Store (Black Marketing)

Regency Hotel (Refused to return LQA money)

GQ Custom Tailor Shop (Black Marketing)

Thousand Won Alley (Pyeongtaek) and Hanseong (Wonju) Red Light Districts (P/HT)

Total pageloads: 8/71 (10/day) This page information, content, phone listing, and files are maintained by the office responsible for the services provided.  If you feel that this page's information is incorrect in any way, please contact the webmaster.  The webmaster is responsible for posting the content on the website.
Date created: 11/22/2010 2:17:05 PM
Date last updated: 7/24/2012 1:31:46 PM