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From the American People

Flag of Djibouti USAID/Djibouti: From the American People

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Map of East Africa highlighting Djibouti
Djibouti's location in a neighborhood with Yemen, Eritrea, Somalia, and Ethiopia at its borders, combined with its commitment to peaceful, pro-west, tolerant Muslim views makes it a unique and strategic partner. Although a small country, Djibouti is striving to achieve ambitious social and economic achievements. The government has made great advances in the last five years, including the development of the only deep-sea port in the region, increasing private sector investment, and gains in health and education. But despite these advances, Djibouti's future is threatened by a lack of arable land, chronic food insecurity, a severe lack of a skilled workforce, high unemployment, disease, illiteracy, dangerous and porous borders, an influx of refugees, and nascent government and political systems. Djibouti is also home to USAID’s only warehouse outside the United States that prepositions American food aid for Africa and Asia, which reduces delivery time of these important life saving commodities by 75 percent. It also hosts Camp Lemonier, the only U.S. military base on the African continent, East Africa's Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and Voice of America broadcasting facilities that target local audiences in Arabic and Somali. Djibouti has also played an important role hosting the Somali peace talks.

Aid In Action


Press Releases

Improving Basic Education

USAID is assisting the Ministry of Education (MOE) to implement educational reforms throughout the nation. The purpose of USAID’s activity is to improve the quality of teaching and learning, strengthen education strategies and systems; advance the Ministry of National Education’s (MOE) management capacity; increase opportunities for out-of-school youth; and address gender in all activities. The four major components will: (1) improve education systems through decentralized teacher training; (2) strengthen Djibouti’s strategic information capacity; (3) increase community participation and (4) increase opportunities for out-of-school youth.

Ambassadors Girls Scholarship Program (AGSP): In the past four years, the Ambassadors Girls Scholarship Program has provided comprehensive support to disadvantaged children (1,000 girls and 338 boys) via scholarships, mentoring, parent and community awareness programs, supplies, transport, clothing, tutoring, and HIV/AIDS education. Activities cover the five districts and the capital city. It has issued a total of 3,542 scholarships (2,874 girls and 668 boys) to AGSP scholars in 56 primary and middle schools throughout Djibouti.

American Educators for Africa Program: The International Foundation for Education and Self-Help (IFESH) recruits, deploys, and supports a cadre of highly experienced and trained American educators to deliver technical assistance and transfer knowledge and competencies to African teachers, students, school administrators, and policy makers. Qualified volunteers work in teacher training and curriculum development at the Ministry of Education and teach English at the University of Djibouti.

Fostering a Healthier Society

USAID-supported tuberculosis (TB), polio and malnutrition programs are detecting, treating, and mitigating these diseases. USAID provides TB technical assistance and training to build laboratory capacity to ensure that Djibouti has a functional and decentralized laboratory network. This is important because Djibouti has the third highest TB prevalence rate in the world. USAID’s polio support emphasizes training and communication activities to maintain high quality work of the health staff delivering polio immunizations to each district.

Other Programs

RELATIONS WITH THE MILITARY AT CJTF/HOA: USAID works with the U.S. military at Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti on civil affairs activities that focus on school and health infrastructure.

We won!  Winners of the Djibouti annual national reading contest show off their prize books.

We won! Winners of the Djibouti annual national reading contest show off their prize books. USAID’s basic education program is boosting literacy skills for thousands of young Djiboutians.

Thanks to a USAID training program, an unemployed young woman got a job at one of Djibouti’s largest construction companies.

Thanks to a USAID training program, an unemployed young woman got a job at one of Djibouti’s largest construction companies. She now supervises dozens of men in a country where women in authority are rare.

A family strolls through the Al Addeh refugee camp in Djibouti

A family strolls through the Al Addeh refugee camp in Djibouti


Children in Al Addeh waiting at a USAID-supported health center

USAID-supported food warehouse at the Al Addeh refugee camp, Djibouti

USAID supported food warehouse at the Al Addeh refugee camp

Mentoring session (mentor seated in the middle with AGSP scholars)

Mentoring session (mentor seated in the middle with AGSP scholars)

Officials Gather in Djibouti to Mark the Food Aid Ceremony.

Officials Gather in Djibouti to Mark the Food Aid Ceremony.

Left to right: Stephanie Funk, USAID Djibouti Representative; James C. Swan, U.S. Ambassador to Djibouti and the Djiboutian Minister for InternationalCooperation, Mr. Ahmed Ali Silay at the signings of four bilateral agreements in Djibouti.

Photo: USAID/Djibouti

Left to right: Stephanie Funk, USAID Djibouti Representative; James C. Swan, U.S. Ambassador to Djibouti and the Djiboutian Minister for International Cooperation, Mr. Ahmed Ali Silay at the signings of four bilateral agreements in Djibouti.

From left to right: Johannes de Jong, Chief Executive Officer, Djibouti Port and Doraleh Container Terminal, DP World; James C. Swan, U.S. Ambassador and M. Ahmed Ali Silay, Minister of International Cooperation, Djibouti.

Photo: USAID/Djibouti

From left to right: Johannes de Jong, Chief Executive Officer, Djibouti Port and Doraleh Container Terminal, DP World; James C. Swan, U.S. Ambassador and M. Ahmed Ali Silay, Minister of International Cooperation, Djibouti.

From left to right: From left to right : Tom Cromier, Democracy International; Rachid Hassan Saban, Government of Djibouti; James C. Swan, U.S. Ambassador and Stephanie Funk, USAID Djibouti Representative at the launch of USAID’s new Djibouti Elections and Political Processes project.

From left to right: From left to right : Tom Cromier, Democracy International; Rachid Hassan Saban, Government of Djibouti; James C. Swan, U.S. Ambassador and Stephanie Funk, USAID Djibouti Representative at the launch of USAID’s new Djibouti Elections and Political Processes project.

Ms. Stephanie Funk, USAID/Djibouti Representative;  Mr. James Swan, U.S. Ambassador;  Mr. Moussa Mohamed Omar, Director of Communication, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mrs. Nimo Boulhan Housein, Minister of Women’s Affairs; and Mr. Mario Touchette, Representative, World Food Program.

Photo: USAID/Djibouti

Ms. Stephanie Funk, USAID/Djibouti Representative; Mr. James Swan, U.S. Ambassador; Mr. Moussa Mohamed Omar, Director of Communication, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mrs. Nimo Boulhan Housein, Minister of Women’s Affairs; and Mr. Mario Touchette, Representative, World Food Program.

Parents, school administrators and teachers in Ali Sabieh, Djibouti are are consulted before finalizing the legal framework.

Photo: IFESH

Parents, school administrators and teachers in Ali Sabieh, Djibouti are consulted before finalizing the legal framework.

Women in Djibouti being trained in computer equipment maintenance.

Photo: Radio/Television of Djibouti

Women in Djibouti being trained in computer equipment maintenance.

A scene from the September 2009 audit workshop in Djibouti.

Photo: La Nation newspaper

A scene from the September 2009 audit workshop in Djibouti.

USAID/Djibouti is sponsoring  anti-corruption public service announcements (PSAs) that are being aired on Djiboutian radio over the next four months in four languages—Somali, Afar, French and Arabic.

Photo: USAID/Djibouti

USAID/Djibouti is sponsoring  anti-corruption public service announcements (PSAs) that are being aired on Djiboutian radio over the next four months in four languages—Somali, Afar, French and Arabic. 

Sitting, (left): USAID/East Africa Mission Director Larry Meserve, (center): U.S. Ambassador James Swan and (right): Djiboutian Minister Delegate for International Cooperation, Mr. Ahmed Ali Silay.

Photo: U.S. Embassy, Djibouti

Sitting, (left): USAID/East Africa Acting Regional Director Larry Meserve, (center): U.S. Ambassador James Swan and (right): Djiboutian Minister Delegate for International Cooperation, Mr. Ahmed Ali Silay.

USAID/Djibouti and the Combined Joint Task Force/Horn of Africa recently collaborated in support of the Medical Civil Affairs Program (MEDCAP) in the remote areas of Guistir on the boarder of Djibouti, Somalia and Ethiopia.

USAID/Djibouti and the Combined Joint Task Force/Horn of Africa recently collaborated in support of the Medical Civil Affairs Program (MEDCAP) in the remote area of Guistir on the boarder of Djibouti, Somalia and Ethiopia. MEDCAP works in part to deliver medical assistance to remote, hard-to-reach communities in Djibouti.

Interior clinic view after the rehabilitation at Dalley-Af village within Djibouti’s arid north.

Interior clinic view after the rehabilitation at Dalley-Af village within Djibouti's arid north.

Idriss Arnaoud Speaker of the Assembly, center U.S. Ambassador James Swan, and Stephanie Funk, USAID/Djibouti Representative at the

Photo: USAID/Djibouti

Idriss Arnaoud Speaker of the Assembly, center U.S. Ambassador James Swan, and Stephanie Funk, USAID/Djibouti Representative at the Strengthening the Role of Parliamentarians and the Performance of Public Organizations in Djibouti seminar.

Inspectors on the last day of the USAID sponsored performance audit

Photo: Kanni Osman, USAID

Inspectors on the last day of the USAID sponsored performance audit training with U.S. Ambassador to Djibouti, James C. Swan, the Director of the Prime Minister’s Office, Rashid Hassan, General Inspector, Hassan Issa and the USAID/Djibouti Resident Representative, Stephanie Funk.

Stephanie Funk, USAID Representative (2nd from left) with US military officers during the handing over of surgical equipment to surgeons at Peltier Hospital in Djibouti.

Photo: US Embassy, Djibouti

USAID Representative in Djibouti Stephanie Funk (2nd from left) with CJTF-HOA officers during the handing over of surgical equipment to surgeons at Peltier Hospital in Djibouti.

During the signing ceremony of two Assistance Agreements in Education and Health respectively on September 25, 2008; From left to right: Stephanie Funk - the new USAID Representative, Cheryl Anderson - USAID/EA Mission Director, Abdi Nasser (standing) - Program Dev. Specialist, the Chargé d’affaires Eric Wong, and M. Ahmed Ali Silay  - Minister Delegate for International Cooperation.

Photo: USAID

During the signing of Assistance Agreements in Education & Health on Sept 25, 2008; Sitting from left to right: Stephanie Funk - the USAID Representative, Cheryl Anderson - USAID/EA Director, the Chargé d’affaires Eric Wong, and M. Ahmed Ali Silay - Minister Delegate for International Cooperation.

During the signing ceremony of two Assistance Agreements in Education and Health respectively on September 25, 2008, the Chargé d’affaires Eric Wong shaking hands with the Minister M. Ahmed Ali Silay.

Photo: USAID

During the signing ceremony of two Assistance Agreements in Education and Health respectively on September 25, 2008, the Chargé d’affaires Eric Wong shaking hands with the Minister M. Ahmed Ali Silay.

Loading food aid at preposition warehouse

Photo: Janet Bland

Workers load bags of Corn-Soya Blend at the Pre-Positioning Warehouse in Djibouti's port. The food aid is destined for distribution in countries as far away as Myanmar.

Men dance at opening ceremony

Photo: Janet Bland

Djiboutian men perform a traditional dance at the opening ceremony of the new USAID-funded health clinic in Asseguila. Working in partnership with the Djiboutian government, USAID has worked to build or renovate 23 clinics in rural areas.

Man teaching.

Photo: Janet Bland

USAID trains Peer Educators to teach truckers about HIV and AIDS. At this truck stop in Djibouti, over 500 trucks pass through each day. Many of the truckers stay for up to two weeks, waiting for their cargo to be loaded.

Somali men perform traditional dance.

Photo: Janet Bland

Djiboutian men perform a traditional dance at the opening ceremony of the new USAID-funded health clinic in Asseguela. Working in partnership with the Djiboutian government, USAID has worked to build or renovate 23 clinics in rural areas.

New clinic in Asseguela

Photo: Janet Bland

In May 2008, USAID opened a new health clinic in Asseguella, complete with maternity wing, nutrition center, generator and incinerator. The clinic is one of 23 clinics USAID has built or renovated in Djibouti.

Community Healthe Volunteers in health awareness skit.

Photo: John Snow Inc.

Through skits and songs in three local languages, USAID-trained health volunteers create awareness of how to prevent diseases and stay healthy.

trainees with certificates

Trainees receive certificates after six-month apprenticeship programs in sewing, plumbing or electrical work.

CJTF-HOA donate medical equipment.

Photo: Mohamed Ahmed

Dr. R.J. Donovan, CJTF/HOA; Janet Schulman, USAID Rep.; Abdallah Abdillahi, Minister of Health; Ambassador Symington; Dr Koulibali, MOH Medical Materials Procurement Department.

Youth at training program.

Youth receive training in operating heavy equipment through USAID/Djibouti's 'Employment for Out-of-School Youth' Activity.

Participants receive awards at conference.

Photo: Mohamed Ahmed

Participants receive certificates following a conference on Djiboutian Women's Participation in the Electoral Process. USAID is working to increase voter awareness, especially among women.

Opening of Food Pre-Positioning Warehouse in Djibout

Photo: USAID/Djibouti

In Djibouti USAID Assistant Administrator Kate Almquist and Djibouti Prime Minister Dileita open the first food pre-positioning warehouse in Africa. Food For Peace supports vulnerable people in Djibouti and throughout East Africa.

USAID women in Kenya

Photo: USAID/Boniface Makau

USAID Administrator Henrietta Holsman Fore with USAID women employees in Kenya during her first overseas visit as USAID’s first woman Administrator. Administrator Fore will also visit Djibouti in November 2007 and officiate in the opening of the new Food For Peace Pre Positioning Warehouse.

Children in school in Djibout

Photo: FFP

Food For Peace assists in conducting health, hygiene and nutrition education in schools, in addition to the school feeding programs.

Health Workers being trained to use sterilizers.

Photo: Stanislas Nebie

Health care workers in Djibouti are provided with gas steam sterilizers and training to improve the quality of services in rural health posts.

Woman listening to community members.

Photo: John Snow Inc.

In Djibouti, female outreach workers are helping women access health services and prevent illness. By listening to community members, they help prevent illnesses and increase the use of health services.

Incinerator for medical waste.

AFTER: New incinerators built by the PECSE Project help to manage medical waste effectively.

Medical refuse is left on the ground.

BEFORE: Poor medical waste management.

Sterile medical equipment.

AFTER: Through training, nurses learn to keep instruments sterile to prevent infection.

Medical equipment is disarray.

BEFORE: Before nurses were trained, medical instruments were maintained in a haphazard way.

Refugees at a UNHCR registration center in Djibouti

Refugees at a UNHCR registration center in Ali Addeh camp in Djibouti

Refugees at a UNHCR registration in Djibouti

Refugees at a UNHCR registration center in Ali Addeh camp in Djibouti

School children in Djibouti wih free school kits.

Photo: Leslie Rose/USAID

In Djibouti, a lack of school supplies and classroom resources used to keep many children from attending school. To encourage them to learn, USAID/Djibouti presented each primary school child in the country with a free school kit.

Schoolchildren in a new classroom

Photo: USAID/Leslie McBride

USAID helped rehabilitate 12 classrooms in this Djibouti school.

A dusty, run-down classroom

Photo: USAID/Leslie McBride

Guelleh Batal primary school did not offer an environment conducive to learning. The school lacked a boundary wall or any form of sanitation system, grossly endangering the health and well-being of students and teachers.

African schoolchildren using computers

Photo: USAID/Leslie McBride

New computer labs in Djibouti’s rural schools allow students to communicate with each other and the rest of the world.


Capital Djibouti

Population 818,159

Area 23,200 km2