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USAID | East Africa Regional

From the American People

Improving Basic Education

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Joint efforts between the Government of Djibouti (GORD) and USAID to implement Djibouti’s education reform have produced remarkable results and laid the foundation for the establishment of the much needed human resource base in the country.  The USG continued assisting the GORD to meet its “Education for All” goals by 2015, and the GORD demonstrated its commitment to increased access and improved quality of education by committing 25% of its national budget to education, an increase from 17.5% in 1999.  In FY 09, USAID consolidated program activities to focus on teacher training, Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs), an education information management system, and training for out-of-school youth. 

The following results were achieved:     

Formulated a training policy and a national in-service teacher training plan that resulted in the Ministry of Education (MOE) planning and delivering in-service teacher training to 93% of all primary teachers. 

  1. Contributed to the drafting of a governmental decree from the President’s Office that recognized Parent Teacher Associations as legal entities.  This legal standing swayed uncooperative school directors to recognize and work with PTAs on school issues.  The USG established guidelines on the role of PTAs and trained 73% of the PTAs in the country in a planning tool for quality education which they then used to identify issues and propose improvements.
  2. Established an Education Management Information System (EMIS), which resulted in the first ever reliable Annual Statistics Manual that provides critical data for the MOE to improve education planning, policy making and financial management.
  3.  Partnered with NGOs and the private sector to enable 97 out-of-school youth (64.7% were women/girls) to complete internships and job training in several skill areas including computer maintenance and operation of heavy equipment.

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