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Federal Election Commission



BCRA Regulations

This page provides access to rulemaking documents, final rules and FEC publications involving the major subjects covered by BCRA -related regulations.

Links to Documents on this Page:

The PDF files on this web site may be viewed or printed using Acrobat Reader from Adobe. Documents marked [Word] may be read using Microsoft Word from Microsoft.

Final BCRA Regulations:

For regulations projects from 2008 on, visit the Searchable Electronic Rulemaking System

Electioneering Communications (2007)


Exception for Grassroots Lobbying from Electioneering Communications (2006)


Coordinated Communications (2006)

The Internet: Definitions of "Public Communication" and "Generic Campaign Activity" and Disclaimers (2006)


Definitions of "Solicit" and "Direct" (2006)


Definition of Federal Election Activity (2006)

Definition of Agent for BCRA Regulations on Coordinated and Independent Expenditures and Non-Federal Funds or Soft Money (2006)

Electioneering Communications (2005)

State Party Payment of Salaries and Wages (2005)

Elimination of De Minimis Exception for the Disbursement of Levin Funds by State, District and Local Party Committees (2005)

Candidate Solicitation at State, District and Local Party Fundraising Events (2005)

Political Party Committees Donating Funds to Certain Tax-Exempt Organizations and Political Committees (2005)

Contributions by Minors (2005)

Technical Amendments to BCRA Regulations (2004)

Coordinated v. Independent Expenditures by Party Committees (2004)

Inaugural Committees (2004)

Prohibited and Excessive Contributions: Non-Federal Funds or Soft Money (2002)

Electioneering Communications (2002)

Contribution Limitations and Prohibitions, Including: (2002)

Other Provisions, Including: (2002)

Coordinated and Independent Expenditures (2002)

Consolidated Reporting Amendments, Including: (2002)

Increased Contribution Limits for Candidates Facing Wealthy Opponents (aka "The Millionaires' Amendment") (2003)

BCRA Technical Amendments [PDF]

Presidential Public Financing and National Nominating Conventions

Multicandidate Political Committees and Biennial Contribution Limits

Leadership PACs

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