Sage-grouse Local Working Groups

Resources for Local Working Groups
Local Working Groups map.
Local Working Groups within the current range of the Sage-grouse.

Local Working Group Locator:

The Great Basin Information Project's Sage-grouse Local Working Group (LWG) Locator is a web-based, geographically-linked database that describes Local Working Groups and what types of projects and conservation efforts have been identified in their area. The LWG Locator provides a central resource for LWGs and interested stakeholders to facilitate greater connectivity and information exchange throughout the region.

Click here to go the the Local Working Group Locator web site.

Livestock Grazing Best Management Practices in Sage-grouse Habitat:

Although livestock grazing is wide-spread on public and private lands throughout most of the western United States, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the effects of this land-use on native plants, animals, and ecosystems. There is an abundance of literature on many aspects of this activity, and in 2005, the Bureau of Land Management in cooperation with Wyoming Department of Agriculture tasked an inter-agency committee with assembling all published material on livestock grazing in arid lands of the Wyoming Basins (a large region covering portions of WY, MT, CO, and UT). The committee further was tasked with synthesizing the information in a readily distributable format. This synthesis is not intended to be an all-inclusive guide to grazing management in sage-grouse habitat, but rather an information reference that sage-grouse local working groups and land managers may utilize as they develop recommended grazing practices for promoting the conservation of sage-grouse and sagebrush habitats.

Download the Review of Livestock Grazing Management Literature Addressing Grazing Management for Sage-Grouse Habitat This link opens in a new window

Download the Synthesis of Livestock Grazing Management Literature Addressing Grazing Management for Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat in the Wyoming Basin - Southern Rocky Mountains Ecoregions This link opens in a new window

This application is based upon work previously supported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Program.

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