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Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) - Inter-Comparison

The inter-Comparison is to compare the same products retrived from MiRS,but different sensors, such as NOAA18 vs NOAA-19, Metop-A vs NPP ATMS, etc.


For gridded data set: POES and NPP/ATMS are gridded using resolution of 0.25 degree, while DMSP is girdded using resolution of 0.5 degree. No average is taken, and only the near-nadir values are recorded. Filling is done for the grid box if it falls in FOV coverage.

For P2P data set:. We have increase time thresh hold value to 4 hours to observe any scan pattern shifted situation and the space thresh hold is max of the 2 FOV sizes. The FOV size is changing with scan position for POES, so is the space thresh hold used. For each data point in data set 1, we find the closest data point in data set 2 if the time difference is less than 4 hours. Due to resource constraints, we can not run P2P collocation for high resolution products.

Performance Table

This is table format of inter-comparison stats. Gray one is used as reference set.