"Setup Project Manager for Proposed Cross Sections

In order to create proposed cross sections using any of the "Typical Sections", you must first setup Project Manager:

Each will be explained in order below:

Open the cross section file that contains your existing ground elements. Invoke Project Manager by either using the pulldowns Applications > GEOPAK Road > Project Manager or by using the Tools icon shown below:

Screen shot

Create a Project:

When Project Manager is invoked the dialog below appears:

Screen shot

I recommend that when you Create a Project you do so under your current working directory. This is easily done by using the pulldowns on the Project Manager dialog, Directory > Current Working Directory as shown below:

Screen shot

Once the Directory is set, create the New Project by using the Project Manager pulldowns, Projects > New as shown below:

Screen shot

Key in the Project Name, select the Job Number, adjust the Preferences, (very important to adjust the Preferences here). 2 other options are to select the Working Directory and type in a short Project Description. When Finished, click on OK as shown below:

Screen shot

When OK is clicked, the dialog will appear as shown below, highlight the .prj file and click on OK:

Screen shot

Create a User:

When OK is pressed, the Project Users dialog will appear as shown below. Select Users > New from the pulldowns.

Screen shot

Complete the New User dialog similar to theh illustration below and click on OK:

Screen shot

The Project Users dialog will appear similar to the illustration shown below. Highlight the User and click on OK.

Screen shot

When OK is pressed the Project Manager (Road Project) dialog will appear as shown below. Notice the Project name, the User name and Job # match what was previously set up.

Screen shot

Create a Working Alignment:

Click on the Select button to create a new Working Alignment as shown below:

Screen shot

The Select Working Alignment dialog appears. Use the pulldowns and select Run > New as shown below. Click on OK.

Screen shot

The New Run Name dialog appears. Type in the name of the "Run" to create. The Description field is optional. Click on OK.

Screen shot

The Select Working Alignment dialog appears. Highlight the desired run (you may eventually have several) and click on OK.

Screen shot

Notice how the Project Manager (Road Project) dialog is now set to use the Working Alignment "one", as shown below:

Screen shot

Click on the Define button. We are now ready to being "defining" everything about the alignment that we want to use.

Screen shot

The Working Alignment Definitions dialog appears, show below using the working alignment "one".

Screen shot

Complete each of the required "Sections" of this dialog by clicking on each and completing the fields. Required sections are:

  • Plan View
    • Pattern
    • Shapes
  • Cross Section View
    • Existing Ground

Each required section is explained below:

Plan View:

Click on the File button and browse to the plan view DGN file. Click on the Select button and select the chain.

Screen shot


Toggle the first option to By Design File. Set both scale values to 10. Browse to the Patterns DGN file, using the File button. To fill in the values for the pattern lines, open the patterns DGN file, click on the Reset button, check the appropriate attributes to set and use the Match button to "data point" the pattern lines to use.

Screen shot


Toggle the option to All in DGN and browse to the shape DGN file using the File button.

Screen shot

Cross Section View:

Browse to the cross section DGN file using the File button.

Screen shot

Existing Ground:

Open the cross section DGN file, click on the Reset button, check the appropriate attributes to set and use the Match button to "data point" the ground line.

To complete the Working Alignment Definition, click on OK as shown below:

Screen shot

You are now ready to begin using any of the Typical Sections and Create Proposed Cross Sections.