Display Horizontal Alignment

Invoke the Design and Computation Manager by using the MicroStation pull downs:

APPLICATIONS > GEOPAK ROAD > DESIGN & COMPUTATION MANAGER ... or from the Road Tools icon as shown below:

Screen shot

Set the path in the "Design & Computation Manager" to one of the following:

  • O:\V8i_Resource\X_30\GEOPAK\DDBS\Metric
  • O:\V8i_Resource\X_30\GEOPAK\DDBS\English

If this is not the displayed path, then change it, as follows...

  • In the "Design and Computation Manager" dialog box click on FILE and click on OPEN...
  • Select the appropriate path by double clicking under "Directories" and "Files" until the "Name" and "Directory is correct.
  • If done correctly the "Design and Computation Manager" dialog box ".ddb file path"should read as shown above:


  • In the "Design and Computation Manager" dialog box, click on the Design icon, as shown below:
  • Double click on CHAINS/PROFILES.
  • Double click on WFL.
  • Single click on BL Proposed Base/Centerlines (Rounded...example 12^20'30") VERDANA TTF ... as shown below:
    Screen shot
  • Single click on Draw Plan & Profile ... as shown below:
    Screen shot
  • Key in or Select the Job Number ... as shown below and click on OK (in both dialogs):
    Screen shot
  • Toggle "Operation" to Chains ... as shown below:
    Screen shot
  • Set the Label Scale to 1000 for Metric and 100 for English.
  • Select the chain with a single click.
  • FIT VIEW, using MicroStation.

--- The CHAIN, Tangent Bearings, Curve Labels and Curve Data SHOULD NOW BE DRAWN ---