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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Contracts (LB) Information
The Contracts (LB) Division is currently revamping their webpage to reflect changes within the LB organizational structure, including the implementation of a new subdivisions commensurate with an updated points of contact list and an organizational charts. Check the LB page periodically within the next few weeks for these changes. Thank you for your patience!

Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide the right tools and guidance to our Marine Corps Field Contracting System so that they can fully support Marines. We will achieve our mission through the efforts of a highly skilled, multidiscipline, and professional workforce.
To accomplish our mission, we will:

  • Provide expeditious regulatory expertise, interpretation, advice, and policies.
  • Advocate the USMC's position throughout DoD by influencing contracting and acquisition policies to meet the needs of Marine Corps Operating Forces and Supporting Establishment.
  • Provide logical standardization, quality, and value-added oversight.
  • Evaluate, select, and implement effective acquisition technology systems and tools that best support our customers.
  • Enhance and develop our workforce through superior community management.
  • Establish a training program that encompasses the ever-changing needs of our community with a focus on current and future technology requirements.
Points of Contact
COM: (703) 604-XXXX / DSN: 664-XXXX
Fax: (703) 604-6675 or (703) 604-6669

Title  /  Extension
Director (703) 604-3583
Deputy Director (703) 604-3185
Administrative Officer (703) 604-3580

Assistant Director, Policy, E-Business and Community Management (703) 604-3584
Policy, Maps and CMPG (703) 604-4145
Electronic Acquisition and Recurring Reporting (703) 604-3349
PPMAP, E-Business (703) 604-3357

Assistant Director, Enterprise Initiatives & RGFS Program (703) 604-3162
East Coast Food Service Contract Specialist (703) 604-3001
West Coast Food Service Contract Specialist (703) 604-3218
GCPC (703) 604-0148

Expeditionary and Contingency Contracting and OCS (703) 604-0068
3006 OCC Field Sponsor (703) 604-0081
3044 OCC Field Sponsor (703) 604-0039
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