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DOE Legacy Management
Uranium Leasing Program (ULP) Programmatic EIS
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Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Information Center

This Web Site is the online center for public information and involvement in the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the Uranium Leasing Program.

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Legacy Management (LM) is preparing a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the DOE Uranium Leasing Program (ULP). DOE LM currently manages this uranium leasing program and administers thirty-one (31) lease tracts in the Uravan Mineral Belt in southwestern Colorado. Twenty-nine (29) of these lease tracts are actively held under lease. This Web site is the online center for public information and involvement in the PEIS process.

Consistent with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ's) implementing regulations, an EIS is prepared when an agency's proposed actions may have significant impacts on the environment. A PEIS evaluates the environmental impacts of broad agency actions, such as those that may be associated with the ULP. Future NEPA documents may be prepared (tiered) from the PEIS process for individual site-specific actions, as appropriate.

Preorder the Draft Uranium Leasing Program PEIS

The Draft Uranium Leasing Program PEIS has not yet been issued, but copies of the Draft PEIS may be requested through the Draft ULP PEIS Order Form. Please note that copies will not be mailed until the Draft PEIS has been issued, and the Draft PEIS will be available for download on this website once it is issued.

ULP PEIS Public Scoping Meeting Transcripts Available

The transcripts for the public scoping meetings on the NOI for the Draft ULP PEIS are now available for download from the Public Scoping Meetings page. The transcripts contain the DOE overview presentation and oral comments given by the public at the public scoping meetings.

ULP PEIS Public Scoping Comment Period Closed

The public scoping comment period for the Uranium Leasing Program PEIS is now closed. Public comments on the scope for the ULP PEIS were accepted from June 21, 2011 through September 9, 2011.

Public Involvement

Public participation in the Uranium Leasing Program PEIS is important. This Web site provides information and services to help you participate in the PEIS process.

Uranium Leasing Programmatic EIS
Identifies the PEIS purpose, scope, process, schedule, and preparers.

Getting Involved
Identifies how to participate in the PEIS process, public meeting information, and how public comments are used in the PEIS process.

EIS Documents
Provides PEIS related documents for downloading or online browsing.

Other Resources

Other resources provided on this Web site include a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs), news updates, and e-mail notices of important events related to preparation of this PEIS.

 Preorder the Draft ULP PEIS
 ULP PEIS Public Scoping Meeting Transcripts
 Public Scoping Period Closed
