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Uranium Leasing Program (ULP) Programmatic EIS
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Getting Involved
 Public Meetings
 How Public Comments Are Being Used


Frequently Asked Questions

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Getting Involved

There are several ways to participate in the Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (ULP PEIS) process. You can comment on the Draft PEIS, attend public meetings, read the PEIS and related documents, and learn about the PEIS on this Web site.


The Draft ULP PEIS has not yet been issued, but copies of the Draft PEIS may be requested through the Draft ULP PEIS Order Form. Please note that copies will not be mailed until the Draft PEIS has been issued, and the Draft PEIS will be available for download on this website once it is issued.

Past Public Involvement Opportunities: Public Scoping Comments and Meetings on the NOI

The 78-day public scoping period for the NOI started on June 21, 2011 and went through September 9, 2011. Comments were accepted at public meetings, by mail, by electronic mail, and electronically through this Web site. During the comment period, DOE held public meetings as discussed under Public Scoping Meetings on the NOI for the Draft ULP PEIS.

Schedule for Public Comment Submittal

The public scoping period for the ULP PEIS is closed. The public scoping period was open from June 21, 2011 through September 9, 2011. DOE is considering all comments received or postmarked by September 9, 2011 in preparing the Draft PEIS. Comments received or postmarked after that date will be considered to the extent practicable. Oral, written, and electronic (i.e., by e-mail or Web) comments are impartially considered and given equal weight by DOE in preparing the Draft PEIS. Comments or suggestions on the scope of the ULP PEIS may be mailed to the address below, but there is no guarantee that comments received or postmarked after September 9, 2011 will be considered in preparation of the Draft PEIS.

Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic EIS
Office of Legacy Management
U.S. Department of Energy
11025 Dover Street, Suite 1000
Westminster, CO 80021

Confidentiality of Public Comments

DOE's practice is to make comments, including names and addresses of respondents, available for public review. Individual respondents may request that DOE withhold their address from the record, which we will honor to the extent allowable by law. If you wish us to withhold your name and/or address, you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comment, or by checking the appropriate box on the Web comment form. However, DOE will not consider anonymous comments. Except for proprietary information, DOE will make all submissions from organizations or businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives or officials of organizations or businesses, available to the public in their entirety.

Public Scoping Meetings on the NOI for the Draft ULP PEIS (August 2011)

Public scoping meetings on the NOI for the Draft ULP PEIS were held by DOE in August 2011. The scoping meetings gave the public the opportunity to provide oral comments on the scope of the Draft ULP PEIS. Meeting transcripts are available for online browsing/downloading from the Public Scoping Meetings page.

For More Information

For questions about public participation, including submitting comments, or for further information on the ULP PEIS, please contact:

Ray Plieness
DOE ULP PEIS Document Manager
Office of Legacy Management
U.S. Department of Energy
11025 Dover Street, Suite 1000
Westminster, CO 80021
Phone: 303–410–4806