The Hispanic Child Support Resource Center Nuestros Hijos, nuestra responsabilidad
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Tips on Making Presentations / Communicating with Clarity

Adults take in information in a variety of ways, but according to research on human attention, the average adult’s attention span is approximately 20 minutes.

What does that mean to us as we present?

If adults’ attention spans are limited, then it is critical that we provide only enough information to achieve our message…and no more. Be concise in what information you choose to include and organize it in a logical way that facilitates understanding.

Another way to maintain attention is by being memorable, through techniques such as:

Powerful Openings:
Give your audience a reason for listening and being engaged and interested right from the start. Start your presentation with:

  • A startling statistic.
  • A rhetorical question.
  • A quote.
  • A story/anecdote.
  • Humor.
  • A clever definition.
  • An analogy.

As human beings, we are drawn to the drama of stories. They allow you to connect with your audience on a human level, they involve the audience better than straight facts, they are a way to deal with tough subjects, and they help your audience to remember your message.

Do include stories in your presentations, but be sure to practice them before you are in front of your audience. Choose stories that support your objective or the point you are making.

Transitional Phrases:
These help to organize your information logically and help your listeners shift from one section to the next. Prepare these phrases ahead of time and put them in your notes.

  • “Now let’s take a look at….”
  • “Let’s change direction for a moment.”
  • “We’ve just been discussing x and now I’d like to explore y.”

Last Update: March 26, 2009 3:00 PM