


WHINSEC is a Department of Defense facility under the direction of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) at Fort Monroe, Virginia, and its subordinate entity the Combined Arms Center located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. We are located at Fort Benning, Georgia. Want to know more? View the Institute's information brief.


Our curriculum was established by the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2001, as Public Law 106-398. It includes instruction in leadership development, peace support and counterdrug operations, and disaster preparedness and relief planning.

Course offerings are designed to support the strategic objectives of the Commanders, U.S Northern Command and U.S. Southern Command in implementing the National Security Strategy in the Western Hemisphere.

The Profession of Arms Education and Training

WHINSEC exists to share the vocation of the Profession of Arms with the security forces of U.S. partner nations. The public law that created WHINSEC in 2001 explicitly directs its adherence to the democratic principles set forth in the Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS) and reflects the hemisphere-wide desire to maintain peace, prosperity, and freedom for all the people of the region. The Institute, in keeping with the law, has developed and implemented meaningful and effective training in the Profession of Arms that includes democracy and human rights, ethics, and stewardship, making its program among the best offered by military educational institutions anywhere.

Special Events

In addition to courses, WHINSEC offers several special activities each year. In the year-long Command and General Staff Officer Course, the first academic week is called Democracy and Human Rights Week, with guest lectures by the International Committee of the Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, and other government and non-government organizations. At the time our nation celebrates Hispanic Heritage month, the institute conducts its Festival of the Hemisphere, highlighted by an 'open house' event in an on base school, bringing more than 1000 school children from the area to see cultural displays from all the countries represented here.


Each year, 900-1400 military, civilian, and law enforcement personnel from countries in the Western Hemisphere attend one or more of our 24 courses. Most of them are taught in Spanish, although an English version of the NCO Professional Development Course is offered for the nations of the Caribbean. All international students are selected using the State Department's vetting system that applies to all foreign students coming to US government training.


WHINSEC's faculty and administration reflect the quality of the programs we offer. Our distinguished faculty includes U.S. and Latin American military instructors, US and international civilian instructors, U.S. foreign service officers, visiting professors, lawyers, and respected guest speakers. From 1/3 to 2/5 of our faculty comes from partner nations, bringing their own culture, experience and knowledge. Six members of the faculty hold doctorates.