Frequently Asked Questions about Job Corps

Smiling Job Corps student typing on a keyboard

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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of training is available through Job Corps?

Job Corps offers career technical training in more than 100 occupational areas including green job training in advanced manufacturing, automotive, and construction careers.

Students also receive academic training, including basic reading and math, GED attainment, college preparatory courses, and Limited English Proficiency courses. Courses in independent living, employability skills, and social skills are offered in order to help students transition into the workplace.

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What else does Job Corps have to offer?

Job Corps offers career planning, on-the-job training, job placement, residential housing, food service, driver's education, health and dental care, a bi-weekly basic living allowance and clothing allowance. Some centers offer childcare programs for single parents as well.

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Does it cost anything?

Job Corps has no cost to its students or their families.

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What are the rules at Job Corps?

Like any place, all Job Corps centers have rules and regulations to follow. These rules are in place to help keep you safe, to help simulate the workforce environment, and to help eliminate distractions so you can succeed in academics and training. To provide the safest possible learning environment, Job Corps has a Zero Tolerance Policy against violence and drugs. Any student who violates this policy will be removed from the Job Corps program.

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Do I get paid while I am at Job Corps?

Throughout your training, you will receive a basic living allowance. As your training progresses, your living allowance will increase. Job Corps can also help you get started after you graduate with a transition allowance. This allowance is based on your academic and career skills achievement while in Job Corps.

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Do I have to live at the center?

Most students live at the center, but some centers serve nonresidential students as well. Nonresidential policies vary at each center, so check with your admissions counselor for details.

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Can I bring my child with me to Job Corps?

Job Corps does offer childcare assistance at some center locations. Your admissions counselor will explain what options are available.

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Who do I have to live with?

Most centers offer separate male and female dormitories. Depending on the center, you can have anywhere from one to seven roommates.

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Can I choose the center I would like to attend?

Center placement is typically based on where you live and the career area in which you are interested. You will need to discuss your specific situation with the admissions counselor.

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What do I have to wear?

While you are responsible for providing your own everyday clothes, there are rules about personal appearance that are set by individual centers. Generally articles of clothing with offensive wording, large amounts of jewelry, or any items that promote drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or violence are not allowed.

Many centers require students to wear uniforms during the training day. If that applies to you, your uniform will be provided by your center.

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Can I take personal belongings to Job Corps?

Students should not bring expensive video and audio equipment, computers, and similar items. Students are expected to bring personal care and grooming items. Your admissions counselor can help you determine what items are appropriate to bring on center.

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When can I go home to visit?

Job Corps will provide your transportation to and from home for your initial trip to the center, during the winter and summer breaks, and returning to your home when you leave the program. Any other trips home must be arranged and paid for by the student.

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Can my family visit me on center?

Yes. Your parents or guardians are invited to visit you at the center. Please have them contact the center in advance of their visit.

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How long do I have to stay at Job Corps?

Job Corps is a self-paced program. That means you learn at your own pace. Depending on the career area you choose and the learning pace you set for yourself, training can take from eight months to two years to complete. Job Corps recommends that you remain on center for at least one year to gain the knowledge and social skills needed for your new career.

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What happens after I graduate from Job Corps?

Even before graduation, a Job Corps staff member will assist you in conducting a job search. They can also help direct you to social services such as health care, housing, legal assistance, and child care. For six months after you graduate, a Job Corps career transition specialist will keep in touch with you to make sure things are going well in your new career.

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Can Job Corps help me get into college after I graduate from the program?

Some Job Corps centers have cooperative agreements with community colleges or related institutions to teach career area courses or to have individual students take courses to gain college credit. Job Corps will also work with students to help them transfer into college programs when appropriate.

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What if I don't like it? Can I leave Job Corps?

Yes. No one will force you to stay if you're not happy at the center, but you must be committed to the program to benefit from it. All we ask is that you try your best to succeed. We promise you this: It will be difficult sometimes, and we will challenge you. But if you don't quit on us, we won't quit on you. Last year, 90 percent of Job Corps graduates found work, enrolled in higher education programs, or enlisted in the military.

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How do I enroll in Job Corps?

You can enroll in Job Corps by calling (800) 733-JOBS or (800) 733-5627 today!

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Page last updated: Wednesday, December 08, 2010