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U. S. Navy Band Blog
Fanfare Newsletter

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  • Fanfare Archive

About Fanfare

Fanfare is the Navy Band's bimonthly newsletter where you can get the most up to date information about the Navy Band. It features a two-and-a-half month performance calendar, articles about Navy Band special events, Navy Band history, vacancies, and the Navy Band's very own Spotlight, an interview
highlighting Navy Band musicians.


While current and past issues appear on our website here, you may also choose to have a printed copy sent to you through the mail. Of course, your information will be kept confidential. Use the navigation bar to the right to choose and we hope you enjoy Fanfare!




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United States Navy Band
Attn: Fanfare newsletter
617 Warrington Ave., SE
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5054


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Fanfare Online

Fanfare is now offered as an online document! Read the latest issue of
Fanfare and keep get the most current

news and information about the

Navy Band!








Fanfare Archive


November/December 2012, Volume 33 Number 6


Fanfare November/December 2012

International Saxophone Symposium
Neil Armstrong Burial at Sea
Spotlight...MUC Trent Turner
Fanfare Survey



September/October 2012, Volume 33 Number 5


Fanfare September/October 2012

A Message from the Commanding Officer

Navy Band 15th alumni weekend a success

America's Navy turns 237

Spotlight on...MUCM Jeffrey Knutson

In Memoriam



July/August 2012, Volume 33 Number 4


Fanfare July/August 2012

A Message from the Commanding Officer

WAVES Celebrate 70th Anniversary

Navy Band Celebrates Alumni Weekend

Spotlight on... Lt. Cmdr. Walt Cline

In Memoriam


May/June 2012, Volume 33 Number 3


Fanfare Online May/June 2012

A Message from the Commanding Officer

Navy Band's Summer Season is Right Around the Corner

Calling All Young Soloists...Navy Band's High School Concerto Competition

Spotlight on...Chief Musician John Schroeder

In Memoriam


March/April 2012, Volume 33 Number 2


A Message from the Commanding Officer

Navy Band musicians reach out to students on the U.S. Virgin Islands

"O Brave New World"

Spotlight on...Senior Chief Musician William Gray

January/February 2012, Volume 33 Number 1


Fanfare Online January/February 2012

A Message from the Commanding Officer

In Memoriam:
Cmdr. Donald W. Stauffer 1919-2011 Cmdr. Philip H. Field 1938-2011

International Saxophone Symposium Celebrates 35 Years

Spotlight on...MU1 Shana Sullivan

November/December 2011, Volume 32 Number 6


Fanfare Online November/December 2011

A Message from the Commanding Officer

Hispanic Heritage Month

"Home for the Holidays" Navy Band's Annual Holiday Concert

Spotlight on...Musician 1st Class Amanda Polychronis

September/October 2011, Volume 32 Number 5


Fanfare Online September/October 2011

A Message from the Commanding Officer

Navy Band remembers Sept. 11, 2001

Navy Band celebrates the Navy's 236th birthday

Cedric Peter Boehr 1957-2011

Spotlight on...Chief Musician Scott Silbert

July/August 2011, Volume 32 Number 4


Fanfare July/August 2011

A Message from the Commanding Officer

Concerts at the Capitol

What's popular on the blog

Navy Band's annual Silent Auction raises money for NMCRS

Coming to the Navy birthday or Holiday concert this year? New e-ticket procedures announced!

Spotlight on...Musician 1st Class Joseph M. Friedman

May/June 2011, Volume 32 Number 3


Fanfare May/June 2011

A Message from the Commanding Officer

Concerts on the Avenue to commemorate 100 years of naval aviation

Navy Band’s 11th annual High School Concerto Competition concert

Command master chief selected

Spotlight on...Senior Chief Musician Keith D. Hinton

Welcome Aboard

Congratulations and Farewell

March/April 2011, Volume 32 Number 2


Fanfare March/April 2011

A Message from the Commanding Officer

An Interview with Branford Marsalis

Pioneers of Navy music: A history of African-Americans in the Navy music program

Spotlight on... Senior Chief Musician James W. Armstrong, III

January/February 2011, Volume 32 Number 1


Fanfare January/February 2011

A Message from the Commanding Officer

The 34th annual International Saxophone Symposium

Marie McLean Townsend, pioneer of the Navy Music Program

Spotlight on... Senior Chief Musician Paul E. Johnson

November/December 2010, Volume 31 Number 6


Fanfare November/December 2010

A Message from the Commanding Officer

An Interview with Dr. Mallory Thompson

Season of Magic

Spotlight on... Navy Band web team and interview with MUC Stacy Loggins

Coming Soon….Navy Band's 34th International Saxophone Symposium

Congratulations and Farewell to MUCs Robert A. Vuono and Russell V. Gross

September/October 2010, Volume 31 Number 5


Fanfare September/October 2010

A Message from the Commanding Officer

Navy Band Presents Special Concerts

Navy Band celebrates the Navy’s 235th birthday

Spotlight on... Navy Band Archives

Coming Soon….Navy Band International Saxophone Symposium and Commodores on Tour

In Memoriam

July/August 2010, Volume 31 Number 4


Fanfare July/August 2010

A Message from the Commanding Officer

Navy Musician Teaches Rowing to Wounded Warriors

New Edition of Concert Favorite Premiered by Philadelphia Orchestra

Navy Band Celebrates Alumni Weekend

Spotlight on MU1s Benjamin L. Bransford III and Casey J. Elliott

In Memoriam