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Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Debates in Favor of His Amendment to Cut off Foreign Aid to Pakistan 5-17-12

May 17, 2012

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's floor statement on his amendment to cut off all aid in the FY 2013 NDAA to Pakistan and end the charade that we are buying their cooperation in ongoing struggle against terrorist forces in South Asia

REBUTTAL pt. 2 -Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Debates Amendment to Cut Off Aid to Pakistan 5-17-12

May 17, 2012

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's rebuttal to opposition of his amendment to cut off all aid in the FY 2013 NDAA to Pakistan and end the charade that we are buying their cooperation in ongoing struggle against terrorist forces in South Asia

Rohrabacher testifies at hearing regarding Offshore Drilling

Feb 24, 2012

Dana testifies at a hearing for the House Committee on Natural Resources. Offshore drilling is safer for the environment and for the people of America than bringing in foreign oil on tankers.
