Floor Speeches

Rohrabacher's Floor Speech in Opposition to Foreign Aid to Communist China

May 16, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, May 16 - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher May 16th, 2012 House Floor Speech in Opposition to Communist China as the Largest Foreign Holder of U.S. Debt Mr. Speakers. I rise today to call attention to the millions of public dollars we have spent...

Rohrabacher's Floor Speech Regarding Advanced Nuclear Reactors

Jul 14, 2011 Issues: Energy

Washington, Jul 14, 2011 - By: Dana Rohrabacher Date: July 14, 2011 Location: Washington, DC BREAK IN TRANSCRIPT Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of my amendment which would require that the amount provided for in title 17 of the...

Floor Statement on H.R. 5866

Nov 30, 2010 Issues: Energy

Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 2010     Washington, Nov 30, 2010 - I rise in support of H.R. 5866. Nuclear power has been a cornerstone of American domestic energy policy for decades, and it could have had great positive impact if...

Support for Afghanistan War Supplemental Amendments 4 and 5

Jul 1, 2010 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Opposes further funding for U.S. military actions in Afghanistan     Washington, Jul 1, 2010 - Mr. ROHRABACHER. Yes, there are snowballs in hell. I rise in support of amendments 4 and 5. I do so with a heavy heart, as I deeply appreciate the...

Transcript: Rohrabacher's statement on Burma

Apr 20, 2010 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Apr 20, 2010 - I rise to draw attention to the on-going plight of the people of Burma, now referred to as Myanmar. Shortly after the Second World War, Burma was granted its Independence from Great Britain. With Democratic institutions in...

Rohrabacher's statement on H. Res. 252, Affirmation of the United States Record on the Armenian Genocide Resolution

Mar 4, 2010 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Mar 4, 2010 - Let me note that I personally would have preferred that this resolution not be brought up. It is about events that took place almost 100 years ago, it is about a crime committed by a government of a country, the Ottoman...

Congressman Rohrabacher expresses his opposition on the House floor to the Democrat health care proposal

Nov 7, 2009 Issues: Healthcare

  Washington, Nov 7, 2009 - This attempt at sliding Americans into dependence on a government-controlled health care system brings bait & switch to a new low. We have heard about the flaws of our current healthcare system, high costs, lack of...

Rohrabacher floor speech against increased aid to Pakistan

Sep 30, 2009 Issues: Foreign Affairs

    Washington, Sep 30, 2009 - More to come.

Floor Speech: Patent Reform

Jul 14, 2009 Issues: Patent Reform

  Washington, Jul 14, 2009 - Mr. Speaker, as I stand here on the floor of the House tonight and after hearing this fine presentation and thinking about all the things that are going on in Washington right now, I am reminded of the television series...

Rohrabacher's statement on Uighur Nationalism

Jun 19, 2009 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Hearing, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight     Washington, Jun 16, 2009 - A Defense Intelligence Agency expert on Chinese counterintelligence operations once said that “it is the mother’s...
