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Contact Points

Executive Secretariat Staff



Phone, Fax

Ann Brewer


Phone: (301) 496-3976
Fax: (301) 496-8276

Sandy Koeneman

Deputy Director

Phone: (301) 496-0807
Fax: (301) 496-8276

Natalie (Nikki) Doherty

Supervisory Management and Program Analyst

Phone: (301) 594-1476
Fax: (301) 496-8276

Program Analysts


Workload Assignments


Greta Doswell

NIMHD, DEPD emails, DEPD invitations, Archival DIR and DEPD email (For the Record)

(301) 496-3962

Celeste Boskent

DPCPSI, ORIP, OAR, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH, NINDS, Director's meeting folder preparation

(301) 451-1788

Ann Brewer

White House Cabinet Report, editing resource, and Director’s e-mail back-up

(301) 496-3976

Shannon Burden

NINDS, NIGMS, NCCAM, NHLBI, ORFDO, ORS, NINR, and Archival DIR and DEPD e-mail (For the Record)

(301) 496-1461

Betty Canning

CCR, DIR, OGC, OGC/Ethics, OLPA, OMA, Congressional Reports, Secretary’s monthly report, review of weekly OLPA Report and OS/ES Overdue Report, and oversight/prep. of Director's courtesy notes

(301) 496-3967

Colleen Crone

CC, NCCAM, NHGRI, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIDDK, NIGMS, ODExO, OFACP, OHR, and animal research campaigns

(301) 594-1359

Monica Dozier


(301) 435-3971

Sandy Koeneman

Work Assignment, Duplicate Review, editing resource, SWIFT transmittals, review of weekly OS ES Overdue Report, and second back-up for Director's e-mail

(301) 496-0807

Lisa Marshall

FIC, OSP, NIAID, Director’s and Deputy Director's e-mail back-up, Director’s talking points/remarks, Events Calendar management, Secretary’s Forecast back-up, Director's and Deputy Director's announcements

(301) 496-3830

Karen Mason

NCATS, ORDR, OA/OALM, OB, OFM, OM, NCRR, NIDCD, NIEHS, stem cell issues, Secretary’s invitation vetting, OS Awards coordination, OIR

(301) 496-3963

Leslie Twyman

Director’s e-mail, OER, CSR, and Secretary’s Forecast back-up

(301) 496-3960

Michelle Whitfield

OTT, NIAAA, NICHD, NIDA, NIMH, OCPL, Director's Invitation review, Secretary’s Forecast, Director’s and DEPD meeting folders back-up, and requesting information from the IC's for the Cabinet Report

(301) 402-0384

Lynne Williams

Archival NIH Director and DEPD e-mail (For the Record), Exec Sec1 and SWIFT

(301) 496-3964

Records and Information Management Specialists



Richard Mandel

(301) 496-3969

Yvette Melvin

(301) 496-5163

Kevin Porter

(301) 594-9290

Dorise Powell

(301) 496-3970

Norma Rivera

(301) 496-3968

Tiffany Vanzego

(301) 496-3972

Daryl Flood

(301) 496-3971

Support Staff



Lynne Williams

(301) 496-3964

Marlyce Green

(301) 594-3823

Lorense Knowland

(301) 594-5961

Cynthia White

(301) 496-3965

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Last updated: December 12, 2012