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Embassy Exchanges

International Visitor Leadership Program

The International Visitor Leadership Program brings participants to the United States from all over the world each year to meet and confer with their professional counterparts and to experience the U.S. firsthand. The emphasis of the program is to increase mutual understanding through communication at the personal and professional levels.

More than 200 current and former Heads of State, 1,500 cabinet-level ministers, and many other distinguished world leaders in government and the private sector have participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program.

The U.S. Embassy invites current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education and other fields to participate in the program. Program topics are varied and change each year. Nominations are usually submitted in the beginning of the fiscal year (October) and programs take place throughout the year. In some cases, programs may also arise during the course of the year. 

Study of U.S. institute

Study of the United States (U.S.) Institutes are six-week academic programs for multinational groups of university faculty from abroad. Institutes are held at university campuses throughout the United States and focus on a particular theme or topic in American studies. Approximately 18-30 foreign educators participate in each institute. Nomination is solicited by invitation from the U.S. Embassy only. 

For the 2013 programs, deadline for submitting application is Saturday, December 15, 2012. Download a PDF version of the Application Form.


The Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS) is a U.S. Department of Defense academic institute in Honolulu, Hawaii. The APCSS addresses regional and global security issues, inviting military and civilian representatives of the United States and 45 Asia-Pacific nations to its comprehensive program of executive education and conferences, both in Hawaii and throughout the Asia-Pacific region.  Security practitioners in Government of Brunei involved in the decision making of national security regular participates in the following APCSS courses on Transnational Security Cooperation; Advanced Security Cooperation, Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism Course, Comprehensive Crisis Management and Asia-Pacific Orientation Course

East West Center

The East-West Center is an education and research organization established by the U.S. Congress to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. The Center contributes to a peaceful, prosperous, and just Asia Pacific community by serving as a vigorous hub for cooperative research, education, and dialogue on critical issues of common concern to the Asia Pacific region and the United States. The East-West Center offers academic scholarships and fellowships as well as educational exchange and professional development programs.


The U.S. Government offers the most thorough introduction to the U.S. IP legal system and international IP standards through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) Global Intellectual Property Academy (GIPA) programs.  GIPA programs are offered several times a year, and brings foreign government officials including judges, prosecutors, police, customs officers, patent, trademark and copyright officials, and policy makers together to the United States to learn, discuss and strategize about global IP rights protection and enforcement.  GIPA programs cover IP rights enforcement issues facing the global economy, and are offered by USPTO acting in close cooperation with other U.S. federal government agencies.  Nominations are made through the U.S. Embassy.

USPTO also offers IPR training programs in collaboration with international and regional organizations, such as World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and ASEAN.  In recent years, judges, legal counsels and customs officers from Brunei Darussalam have attended IPR programs offered through the USPTO-WIPO-ASEAN IP academy. 


The Voluntary Visitor Program, also known as Volvis for short, is geared towards professionals who would benefit from gaining a better understanding of U.S society and institutions. With the support of the Office of Voluntary Visitors in Washington, our office will design a tailor made program to fit the individual’s needs. These programs are pre-planned, funded by the participants and generally appointments can be arranged with organizations such as government/state agencies, universities, think thanks, and NGO’s. The Embassy has assisted various Brunei Ministries on this program.

South East Asia Youth Leadership Program

This program sponsored through the Office of Citizen Exchanges' Youth Programs Division is meant for ASEAN member states. It will  host approximately 50 high school students and educators to the United States for an intensive, four-week-long project. The program is designed to promote high-quality leadership, civic responsibility, volunteerism, and respect for diversity among future leaders. The Embassy's Public Affairs Section along with cooperation with Ministry of Education manage the recruitment, selection, and preparation of the exchange participants, and assist them after the exchange in implementing their follow-on project