Project Description
Image of a Louisiana Swamp

The objective of this diversion is to provide additional freshwater, nutrients, and fine sediment from the Mississippi River into Maurepas Swamp and its surrounding areas. Construction of the Mississippi River levee has effectively stopped annual spring flooding that, in the past, had nourished the Maurepas Swamp with sediment, nutrients and freshwater.

The introduction of additional freshwater will simulate the natural historic flooding cycle and promote rebuilding wetlands at a rate greater than the subsidence rate. Additional freshwater should also improve biological productivity and help reverse the current trend of degradation, thus restoring wetland habitat.

This project could involve construction of a small siphon(s) over the Mississippi River levee or construction of a concrete multi-barrel box culvert(s) in the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Convent. River water would flow into a conveyance channel and eventually be distributed to the project area, possibly through a network of small conveyance ditches.

Working in concert with Hope Canal Diversion and Amite River Diversion Canal Modification features, this project is intended to introduce freshwater, sediment and nutrients into the southwest portion of Maurepas Swamp to improve hydrology, facilitate organic deposition into the swamp, improve biological productivity, and, eventually, reverse the transition of the swamp into marsh and open water.