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Ground Combat Vehicle Project Management Office
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Ground Combat Vehicle
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Who We Are

The Ground Combat Vehicle Project Management Office is the focal point for the Army’s next generation fighting vehicle. PM GCV’s focus in the near term is on the design and development of the Army’s next generation Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The PMO provides the leadership, technical expertise, and oversight for this developmental effort. The Ground Combat Vehicle team is a diverse and highly experienced mixture of the most talented acquisition and engineering professionals working together in Warren, MI and Picatinny, NJ to design, develop and deliver a vehicle that combines force protection, capacity, full spectrum operations, timing and affordability to form the world standard for Infantry Fighting Vehicles.

What we do
PEO_GCS_Bullet Use an incremental or block approach to develop and procure ground combat vehicles based on technology maturity, schedule and affordability while addressing key operational gaps.
PEO_GCS_Bullet Design and develop the first Ground Combat Vehicle increment able to deliver a nine-man infantry squad to the battlefield in an improvised explosive device (IED) environment.
PEO_GCS_Bullet Work closely with industry to reduce technical risk and balance affordability with system performance.


Maneuver Center of Excellence COE

PEO_GCS_Bullet Picatinny Arsenal
PEO_GCS_Bullet Assistant Sec. Army/Acquisition/, Logistics, Technology (ASA/ALT)
PEO_GCS_Bullet U.S. Army
PEO_GCS_Bullet DoD
PEO_GCS_Bullet TACOM Contracting

Contact Info
PEO GCS Executive Officer

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Scott J. Davis

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Thomas Bagwell

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