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Order a printed APS poster! 11 in. x 17 in. prints will be mailed in the order requests are received. 36 in. x 36 in. posters will be sent to school addresses once all orders are processed.

 The Advanced Photon Source Is

The Advanced Photon Source Is

 Technologies from Materials Science

Technologies from Materials Science

 Materials Under Extreme Pressure

Materials Under Extreme Pressure

 Biological Macromolecules in Action

Biological Macromolecules in Action

 Journey to the Center of the Earth

Journey to the Center of the Earth

 Earthshaking Monitor

Earthshaking Monitor

 Imaging with X-rays

Imaging with X-rays

 How Do We See X-rays

How Do We See X-rays

 Learning About the World through X-rays

Learning About the World through X-rays

 Learning About the World through X-rays 2

Learning About the World through X-rays 2

 Making Photons

Making Photons

 Radio Frequency Group

Radio Frequency Group

 Auto-Tuning an RF Cavity

Auto-Tuning an RF Cavity

 Principles of the 3D Laser Tracker

Principles of the 3D Laser Tracker

 What is Optical Tooling

What is Optical Tooling

 Aligning Big Things to Small Tolerances

Aligning Big Things to Small Tolerances

 How Big is a Micron

How Big is a Micron

 LCLS Undulators

LCLS Undulators