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February 2013
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Feb 18

Technical Review of Popular Power Conversion Topologies with Industrial Examples

Speaker: Raymond Zhang
ASD Seminar
401/B4100 @ 9:00 AM
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Power conversion technology primarily deals with converting electric energy from one form to another, e.g., converting between AC and DC; changing the voltage and/or frequency, or a combination of the above. In this talk, we will first discuss three popular power conversion topologies, including ACF, Flyback, and PSFB, which play important roles in modern power converters. Real industrial products and examples will then be analyzed and compared based on the research and development experiences of the talker in the field. The design methods and the key precautions for the development of modern power converters will also be covered.
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Feb 19

Methods, Machinery, and Money: The LERIX-2 Conceptual Design

Speaker: Jerry Seidler, University of Washington
XSD Presentation
401/A1100 @ 10:00 AM
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I will discuss the scientific motivation for, and technical details of, the recently completed conceptual design for the LERIX-2 spectrometer as part of the APS-U. In the conceptual design, we expand to 144 analyzers while taking the most successful mechanical and operational features of the LERIX-1 and LERIX-1B instruments. Among the issues that need to be resolved for the final design are the selection of detectors and the selection and reliable mass-fabrication of spherically-bent crystal analyzers (SBCA's). If in-house, rather than commercial, fabrication of the needed highly efficient SBCA's is possible, it will result in a factor of two cost savings for this instrument.
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Feb 19

Probing and Reconstructing Transient One-Dimensional Crystalline Strains Using Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction

Speaker: Yuan Gao, University of Delaware
XSD Presentation
432/C010 @ 12:00 PM
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Since the late 1990s, ultrafast x-ray pulses have been used to probe impulsive strains propagating in the bulk of optically opaque materials. Time-resolved x-ray diffraction has been proven to be a very powerful tool for visualizing transient one-dimensional crystalline strains, ranging from crystal growth to shockwave production.

In this presentation, I will describe a series of time-resolved x-ray diffraction experiments that visualize transient strain formation from nanometer-scaled laser-excited metallic films. Utilizing a table top picosecond x-ray source in conjunction with a high-power optical laser system, the resulting optical pump/x-ray probe spectra reveal that the spatiotemporal structure of the transient acoustic pulse is bipolar with acoustic wave-vectors up to inverse of the film thickness. In addition, I will also discuss the real-world constraints that place limits on the validity of the reconstructed transient acoustic pulse.
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Feb 22

User Science Seminar

APS Conference
401/A1100 @ 12:00 PM
Feb 27

ICMS 101 Training

APS Course
401/B4100 @ 2:00 PM
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On February 27 at 2 p.m., the AES-IS group will hold an ICMS 101 Training session in 401/B4100. The class is intended for new employees and new or current ICMS users who are looking to refresh or enhance their ICMS knowledge.

We will discuss:
  • ICMS Overview
  • What to Contribute
  • Checking In Documents and Revision Control
  • Document Security and Metadata
  • Searching Content and using Library Folders
  • Basic Workflows

All APS personnel are welcome, but due to limited class size, please RSVP if you plan to attend by sending an email to
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Mar 1

User Science Seminar

APS Seminar
401/A1100 @ 12:00 PM
Mar 3

TMS 2013

APS Conference
San Antonio, TX
Mar 8

User Science Seminar

APS Seminar
401/A1100 @ 12:00 PM
Mar 12

American Physical Society March Meeting

APS Conference
Baltimore, MD
Mar 15

User Science Seminar

APS Seminar
401/A1100 @ 12:00 PM
Mar 22

User Science Seminar

APS Seminar
401/A1100 @ 12:00 PM
Mar 27

APS/Users Operations Monthly Meeting

APS Meeting
402/AUD @ 2:30 PM
Mar 29

User Science Seminar

APS Seminar
401/A1100 @ 12:00 PM
May 6

2013 APS/CNM/EMC Users Meeting

APS Conference
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL
401/ @ 9:00 AM
Jul 20

ACA 2013

APS Conference
Honolulu, Hawaii

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