


All DoDEA schools are accredited by an outside regional agency, in order to ensure that each school meets expectations for quality programs, staff and facilities.  Bamberg Elementary School is fully accredited by the North Central Association.  Our school improvement plan is an ongoing process.  Parents are an important component in that process.  If you would be willing to volunteer to serve on a committee or assist in individual activities, please contact the office at 469-7616.  Click here to view the DoDEA curriculum content standards.


The curriculum meets all DoDEA requirements and is in compliance with NCA standards. In addition to the regular classroom structure, these additional programs are available to students: Art, Host Nation (German), Music, Physical Education, Counseling, and Spanish instruction for grades k-1. Support services include Communication Impaired, English as a Second Language, Learning Impaired, Developmental Pre-School, Sure Start, Read 180, Reading Recovery, Language Arts/Reading (LARS), Literacy Coach, Gifted Education, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy.

After-school clubs and extra-curricular activities are offered to students throughout the year, such as:  Homework Clubs, Spelling Bee, Art Club, and Music Club. Bamberg Elementary School utilizes the talents and interests of school staff, parents, and community to provide a broad range of extra-curricular activities. The facilities include a well-stocked Information Center and supply room, in additions to two state of the arts computer labs. Besides being used for Physical Education, the gym also serves as the cafeteria and the venue for artistic performances, assemblies, and community events.

The school reading program is enhanced with Accelerated Reading, which is a system of self paced reading. Students check out books from the library, read them, then take a quiz over the content. This gives them practice reading...and, the more you read the better you are at reading.










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Last updated: Monday, February 4, 2013