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Senator Tom Carper - Washington, DC

Senator Tom Carper
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  1. On Monday I joined Gov. Jack Markell and Delaware Economic Development Director Alan Levin at Burke Equipment to help owners Mark and CeCe Babbitt celebrate their Delmar location's one year anniversary. What a great customer-oriented, family business!
    Photo: On Monday I joined Gov. Jack Markell and Delaware Economic Development Director Alan Levin at Burke Equipment to help owners Mark and CeCe Babbitt celebrate their Delmar location's one year anniversary. What a great customer-oriented, family business!
  2. This is a big day for Delaware - Big League World Series Softball Tourney is coming to The First State!
    Photo: This is a big day for Delaware - Big League World Series Softball Tourney is coming to The First State!
  3. Just wanted to pass along this thoughtful story from The Economist on why the recent fiscal cliff deal does little to address our nation's fiscal woes, while prolonging our likelihood to face future crises. Take a look.
  4. The purpose of the fiscal cliff was to force our hand to come up with a grand bargain to get our nation's fiscal house in order. Unfortunately, the deal the Senate passed in the wee hours of this morning isn't that kind of compromise, and that's why I ultimately voted against it. While I commend the work of the VP and others to find a way to avoid some of the bad elements of the fiscal cliff, there was a better way to solve this problem and we should've seized the opportunity to do so.
  5. The key ingredients to a vibrant and durable union between two people are the two c’s: communication and compromise. They are also the key prerequisites to a vibrant democracy. I am encouraged by the renewed dialogue between the President and our Congressional leaders. It’s imperative for them to redouble their efforts over the weekend as they work to secure a common-sense agreement to avert the fiscal cliff.
  6. Congratulations to Hockessin’s own Chinese American Community Center Folk Dance Troupe – bound for the Presidential Inauguration this January. You make Delaware proud!
  7. This morning, my colleagues and I are celebrating the life of one of our longest-serving and most dedicated leaders, Danny Inouye, in the Capitol Rotunda. His life was one of service and sacrifice, and we could all learn a lot from Danny’s example. Aloha, my friend.
  8. Another great story of achievement by young Delawareans. Today I learned that 3 students from the Charter School of Wilmington placed in the top 50 of this fall's nationwide U.S. Cyber Challenge, a program that prepares young people for the next generation of security challenges. I couldn't be more proud of these young leaders.
  9. I'm so sad to hear about this school shooting in Newtown, CT. What a senseless loss of too many lives -- especially those young children. Please pray for the families and communities involved.
  10. I'm looking for talented, enthusiastic students and recent college graduates to become part of my team as spring interns in either my Delaware or Washington offices. This is an exciting, fast paced experience that will give you the opportun...ity to learn more about the political process and the federal government first hand. If you or someone you know might be interested please visit my website to learn more. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so apply early!See More
  11. Do you have questions about the Fiscal Cliff? We hear a lot about the fiscal cliff every day, but we rarely hear the details of how we got into this mess and what it really means for all of us. I know it can be difficult to cut through the ...clutter and find real answers to how the fiscal cliff will affect Delaware and our country. That’s why I created a new page on my website – to compile a direct and honest Q&A about what has happened to lead to the fiscal cliff, what will happen if we go over it, and how we may possibly avoid it:

    Please check it out and feel free to share it with your friends. Tweet me @SenatorCarper with questions and suggestions to make it better. Thanks!
    See More
  12. Today, my Democratic colleagues selected me to become the next Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. I'm humbled by this honor and aware of the great responsibility it is to succeed the leadership of m...y friends Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins. From securing our borders to protecting our critical infrastructure from cyberattacks to eliminating wasteful spending in government, we've got work to do, and I stand ready to tackle these challenges in the next Congress.See More