Senator Tom Carper's Notes

  • Wednesday, October 3, 2012

     GEORGETOWN, Del. – Sen. Tom Carper will team up with representatives from Facebook to discuss online safety on Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in the Sussex Central High School auditorium at 6 PM.


    This free event is geared toward students, their parents and faculty but is open to the public. Attendees will learn about their role as digital citizens: how ...

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  • Wednesday, November 23, 2011

    Martha and I wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. This holiday week, it’s important to give thanks and spread the wonderful, contagious spirit of helping others. On Thursday afternoon, we look forward to serving Thanksgiving dinner at the Emmanuel Dining Room in Wilmington with several dozen other volunteers. There, we serve turkey platters...

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  • Wednesday, September 14, 2011

    Today, from my handle @SenatorCarper, I tweeted 8 reforms from my plan to save the Postal Service from financial collapse. Here are my tweets from today, in case you missed them:


    Throughout today, I'll tweet 8 reforms from my plan to save US Postal Service from collapse. Full summary of plan:

    1. 1st: POST Act brings billions o...
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  • Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    From Sen. Carper's Staff: We would like to remind folks that while we welcome comments and spirited debate, we ask that you keep your remarks respectful and refrain from personal attacks, particularly directed at other Facebook users. Please adhere to the Facebook code of conduct below.


    Welcome to the Official Senate Facebook Page of U.S. Senator T...

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  • Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Sen. Carper will hold a tele-town hall meeting to hear questions, comments and concerns from the Delaware business community. Sen. Carper will answer participants' questions on topics ranging from health care to the budget deficit, but will focus on job creation in the state and recent legislation affecting the business community. The call will beg...

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  • Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    Welcome to the Official Senate Facebook Page of U.S. Senator Tom Carper of Delaware. This page is meant to share information with you about Senator Carper's work for Delawareans. It is also a public forum for you to participate in discussions with others and give your feedback to Senator Carper.


    As a reminder, because this page is sponsored by the ...

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  • Wednesday, February 9, 2011

     From the Delaware Department of Education


    (DOVER, DE.)  Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is an essential – though not particularly enjoyable – step in applying for financial aid.


    This year, there is help available, thanks to the Mid-Eastern Association of Education Opportunity Program Personnel (MEAEOPP), Delaware S...

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  • Wednesday, December 22, 2010

    December 2010


    While Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, the Christmas season is also a very special time of year for my family and me. For us, it’s a time shared with loved ones and filled with the spirit of hope, fellowship, generosity and – usually – some terrific food. The holidays aren’t nearly as happy for a number of Delaware families, thoug...

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  • Monday, October 4, 2010

    Great article in CQ Weekly examines the need for stronger cybersecurity legislation; Highlights Sen. Carper’s cybersecurity bill


    Inside a closet in the bowels of the State Department stand three wide bookcases, five shelves apiece, that rise nearly to the ceiling. Each shelf is stuffed with dozens of white binders containing reams of computer secur...

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  • Friday, September 10, 2010

    Dear Fellow Delawarean,


    Throughout the month of August, I had the opportunity to travel extensively throughout the First State, listening to Delawareans and discussing what I’m doing to represent their interests in the U.S. Senate. I’ve heard countless constituents express both their optimism and concerns for our nation and provide valuable feedbac...

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