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Role of Women in Global Security Conference

Biographies of Key Participants

Here you can acquaint yourself with the hosts, main moderators and speakers at the Role of Women in Global Security Conference. The list below will be expanded as we get nearer to the conference. Make sure you stay updated on all the interesting speakers and moderators who will participate at the conference. 

Speakers & Moderators in alphabetical order by their first name

  • Amanda Freeman - Workshop Speaker
    Captain, Education Officer, Strategic Communications, Afghan Comms, Helmand PRT, Lashkar Gah, US Marine Corps
  • Anders Fogh Rasmussen - Special Address Speaker
    Secretary General of NATO
  • Anne-Cathrine Riebnitzsky - Workshop Speaker
  • Anne Christiane Castenschiold Bill - Workshop Speaker
    Lieutenant Colonel, Head of Human Resources, Danish Army Operational Command
  • Anne-Marie Esper Larsen - DKMFA Report Speaker
    Ambassador for Gender Equality, Denmark
  • Annette Skovsted Hansen - Workshop Speaker
    Associate Professor, Asian Studies Section, Department of History and Area Studies, Århus University
  • Anton Baaré - Workshop Speaker
    Consultant, Nordic Consulting Group
  • Betty Amongi - Workshop Speaker
    Member of Parliament, Uganda, Woman Representative of Apac District
  • Betty Oyella Bigombe - Workshop Speaker
    Consultant, World Bank, President of the Arcadia Foundation
  • Bodil Jacobsen - Workshop Speaker 
    Programme Coordinator, Danish Demining Group of the Danish Refugee Council
  • Christian Sørensen - Workshop Speaker
    Program Coordinator, ADRA 
  • Christine Bosse - Workshop Speaker
    CEO, Tryg

  • Daniel De Torres - Workshop Speaker
    Deputy Head of Special Programmes, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces
  • Davood Moradian - Keynote Address Speaker & Workshop Speaker.
    Director General, Strategic Study Centre, Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Elizabeth A. Hogan - Workshop Speaker
    Senior Development Counselor, United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • Ellen Margrethe Løj - Keynote Address Speaker
    Special Representative for the Secretary General for the United Nations Mission in Liberia
  • Emily Naslund - Workshop Speaker
    Captain, Female Engagement Team, US Marines
  • Erin Kenny - Workshop Speaker
    Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Specialist, Humanitarian Response Unit of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
  • Esben Barth Eide - Panel Remarks & Workshop Speaker
    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
  • Eva Zillén: Senior Advisor - Workshop Moderator
    Kvinna till Kvinna
  • Gabriel Opio - Keynote Address Speaker
    Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Affairs, Uganda
  • Gitte Lillelund Bech - Keynote Address Speaker
    Minister of Defence, Denmark
  • Janan Mosazai - Workshop Speaker
    Independent Civil Society Activist
  • Jolynn Shoemaker - Workshop Speaker
    Executive Director of Women in International Security (WIIS)
  • Haoua Diatta - Workshop Speaker
    President and founder, MICA (Micro Credit in Africa)
  • Henrik Ø. Breitenbauch - Workshop Speaker
    Senior Research Fellow, Center for Military Studies 
  • Helen Scanlon - Workshop Moderator
    Director, International Center for Transitional Justice
  • Helena Lindberg - Workshop Speaker
    Director General, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
  • Helga Hernes - Workshop Speaker
    Senior Adviser, Peace Research Institute Oslo
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton - Keynote Address Speaker (Video)
    Secretary of State, USA
  • Janet Mohammed - Workshop Speaker 
    Programme Director, IBIS
  • Judy Cheng-Hopkins - Keynote Address Speaker
    UN Assistant Secretary General for Peacebuilding
  • Juliet Asante - WOrkshop Spaker
    CEO, Eagle Productions.  Director, Save Our Women International (SOWI)
  • Karima Lanyero Obina - Workshop Speaker
    Programme Manager, Sexual and Gender Based Violence Project, Acholi Religious Leaders’ Peace Initiative (ARLPI)
  • Katherine Canavan - Panel Remarks & Workshop Speaker
    Civillian Deputy to the Commander and Foreign Policy Advisor, EUCOM, USA
  • Kenneth Oketta Akena - Workshop Speaker
    Prime Minister for Ker Kwaro Acholi (KKA), Acholi cultural institution
  • Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva – Keynote Address Speaker European Commissioner for International, Humanitarian Aid, and Crisis Response
  • Kristin Lund - Workshop Speaker
    Major General, Head of the Norwegian Home Guard
  • Lars Christian Lassen - Workshop Speaker
    Senior Vice President, Corporate People & Organisation, Novo Nordisk A/S
  • Latifa Nabizada - Workshop Speaker
    Captain, Pilot, Afghani Air Force 
  • Lene Christensen - Workshop Speaker
    Knowledge Management Advisor, Danish Red Cross
  • Louise Kathrine Dedichen - Workshop Speaker
    Rear Admiral, Commandant of the Norwegian Defense University College
  • Maria Otero – Keynote Address Speaker
    Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs, USA
  • Marina Kaljurand - Panel Remarks & Workshop Speaker
    Under Secretary for Economic and Development Affairs, Estonia
  • Meinie Nicolai - Workshop Speaker
    President, Médicins San Frontières
  • Melanne Verveer - Special Remarks Speaker & USDOS Report Speaker.
    Ambassador-at-Large for GLobal Women's Issues, USA
  • Merle Maigre - Workshop Moderator
    Advisor, Policy Planning Unit of the Private Office of NATO International Staff
  • Nanna Skriver - Workshop Speaker
    Rule of Law Expert, European Union Integrated Rule of Law Mission in Iraq(EUJUST LEX Iraq)
  • Nina D’Amato - Workshop Speaker
    Major, Operations and Plans Officer, RC (SW) Gender Equity Team, Education Portfolio Manager, Regional Command (Southwest), International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF), US Marines
  • Pernille Fenger - Workshop Speaker
    Chief, UNFPA Nordic Office
  • Peter Ingwersen - Workshop Speaker
    Founder of NOIR Illuminati
  • Peter Wilson - Workshop Speaker
    Director, Libra Advisory Group
  • Rana Foroohar - Conference Moderator
    Deputy Edtor, U.S. and International Editions
  • Rangina Hamidi - Workshop Speaker
    Founder, Kandahar Treasure
  • Rasa Juknevičienė – Panel Remarks Speaker
    Minister of Defense, Lithuania
  • Raymond E. Mabus - Keynote Address Speaker
    Secretary of the Navy, USA
  • Rikke Haugegaard - Workshop Speaker 
    Anthropologist, Owner of Understanding Culture
  • Robin May Schott - Workshop Moderator
    Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)
  • Roma Bhattacharjea - Workshop Speaker
    Senior Gender Advisor, United Nations Development Programme
  • Rosalba Oywa - Workshop Speaker
    Executive Director, People’s Voices for Peace
  • Sanjar Sohail - Workshop SPeaker
    Editor in Chief to Publisher, HASHT e SUBH Daily Newspaper
  • Shafiqa Quraishi - Workshop Speaker
    Brigadier General, Director, Gender, Human and Child Rights, Afghan Ministry of the Interior
  • Shahamak Rezaei - Workhop Moderator
    Associate Professor, Department of Society & Globalisation, Roskilde University
  • Shaheen Tejani - Workshop Speaker
    Project Manager, Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)
  • Sheila M.Q. Scanlon - Workshop Speaker
    Colonel, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Interior for Administration and Support NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan, Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, US Marines
  • Simone Kærn - Workshop Speaker
    Artist, filmmaker and pilot
  • Suzanne B. Danneskiold Lassen - Workshop Moderator
    Owner and CEO of Strategic Facilitator & Integrator
  • Suzanne Monaghan - Workshop Moderator
    President, Pearson Peacekeeping Center
  • Tara Sonenshine - Workshop Moderator
    Executive Vice President, United States Institute of Peace
  • Tina Monberg - Workshop Moderator
    Mediator, exam. psychotherapist, lawyer, Mediation Center A/S
  • Trine Lunde - Workshop Speaker
    Economist, World Bank, Gender and Development Group
  • Vabah Gayflor - Keynote Address & Workshop Speaker
    Minister for Gender and Development, Liberia
  • Winnie Musah - Workshop Speaker
    Gender Officer for Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) 
  • Yasmin Jusu-Sheriff - Workshop Speaker
    Femmes Africa Solidarité
  • Yvette Chesson-Wureh - Workshop Speaker
    Establishment Coordinator, Angie Brooks International Centre
  • Zouera Youssoufou - Workshop Speaker
    Head of Women in Business Program at the International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group
  • Åsa Massleberg - Workshop Speaker
    Programme Officer, Gender and Mind Action Programme (Geneva)

Download Conference Report

  • Click the image to download the report as a PDF (336 KB)

Conference Sponsors

  • Intel logo (Intel)
  • Lockheed Martin is a sponsor of the Role of Women in Global Security Conference (Lockheed Martin)
  • Motorola is a sponsor of the Role of Women in Global Security Conference (Motorola)