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Resources for Authors

Journal Abbreviations / Instructions to Authors   ||  Author Evaluation, Impact Factors, & Publishing Tools   ||  Peer Review Resources

Journal Abbreviations / Instructions to Authors

  • Biological Journal Abbreviations - Abbreviations, full titles, and links to Web pages for a variety of biological and medical journals, maintained and edited by Geoffrey Patton, PhD.

  • CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Tool - A free online resource intended for researchers to quickly identify or confirm journal titles and abbreviations for publications indexed by CAS since 1907, including serial and non-serial scientific and technical publications.

  • Instructions to Authors - From the Mulford Health Science Library, University of Toledo, this site offers links to instructions to authors for over 6,000 titles in the health and life sciences. All links are to "primary sources" - that is, to publishers and organizations with editorial responsibilities for the titles.

  • NCBI Journals Database - Available from the PubMed interface, enter the full or partial journal name in the search box. Click the journal title to display additional information about the journal.

  • Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals - International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Resources for Authors including general guidelines on the format of manuscripts submitted to medical journals. (ICMJE revision April 2010)

Author Evaluation, Impact Factors, & Publishing Tools

  • The h-index can be manually determined using databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Each database may produce a different h for the same author, because of different coverage.
  • Scopus: use Author Search. In the list of authors that comes up in the search results, click on Details. The Details page provides both the times cited and the h-index, with links to graphs and tables.
  • Google Scholar: Use the Author name field in the Advanced Search form. Google Scholar provides only citation counts for individual articles, not an author's entire career.

Peer Review Resources

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