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Literature Searches

The Scientific Library's experienced staff can help fill all your scientific information needs, and save you valuable time, by searching many different databases for you and sending you the results. We can search databases that provide access to journal citations, chemical information, cited references, journal impact factors, full-text patents, and more. Our librarians can help you find the information that is vital to your research needs. In most cases, we can offer this service at no cost to you.

Please use our online form to request a search. You can also e-mail the Library, or call x1093, for more information.

The Scientific Library staff has access to many different databases, including:

  • Beilstein

  • Chemical Abstracts on CD-ROM

  • Current Protocols


  • Journal Citation Reports

  • NIH Ovid

  • PubMed

  • Scopus

  • Web of Science

  • And MORE

If necessary, the Library's staff can access additional databases via a fee-based information retrieval system. The cost of searching this system is charged to your program after approval and signature authorization is obtained. The staff will discuss any possible cost with you BEFORE performing any fee-based search. The  fee-based system that we currently use is:

STN International (Scientific and Technical Information Network)

STN International is an online search service that provides accurate, up-to-date information from over 200 scientific, technical, business, and patent databases. This service offers a broad range of information from the fields of engineering, materials science, physics, biotechnology, regulatory compliance, pharmacology, chemistry, and more. Some of STN's special features include advanced chemical structure searching, chemical reaction information, and computational services.

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