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Marine Aviation

Headquarters Marine Corps

Washington, DC
Personnel Exchange Program (PEP)
The Marine Corps Foreign Personnel Exchange Program (MCFPEP) is a means of continuing a long-term, selectively visible presence and association among military counterparts to enhance worldwide security cooperation.

Interested in an Exchange tour?
1) Click on the link under Billet next to the country your are interested in to see if you meet the requirements.
2) Click on the 'Exchange Billet Rotation Timeline' link to the right to see when the specific Exchange tour is available.
3) Click on the 'PEP Messages' link to the right to see if the exchange tour is officially available.
4) If steps 1, 2, & 3 are successful, click on the "PEP Application Instruction" link to the right and follow the instructions to apply.
Headquarters, Marine Corps
Department of Aviation
Manpower and Support
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon
Rm 5E527
Washington, DC 20350
Office: (703) 614-1244/1556
Fax: (703) 614-1309 DSN 224