Fermilab History and Archives Project
Fermilab Business Services Section

Travel Services
Useful Links

Travel Tips


Book reservations early to take advantage of restricted inventory and advance purchase fares

Use alternate air carriers when cost-effective.

Use alternate airports when convenient and cost-effective.

Consider alternate modes of transportation, i.e., trains and taxis instead of car rentals.

Consider use of Manual cars in European destinations to contain cost of Rental

Let the agent know the schedule limitations or flexibility. This will enable them to alter departure times to obtain the lowest possible fare.

Check your travel documents the day you receive them. It’s always a good idea to check invoices and itineraries. Go to https://www.viewtrip.com/. A Record Locator is required to access your trip details

For international travel, ask about passport, visa, tourist card and health requirements well in advance of the trip.

Always cancel reservations that will not be used. Return any unused paper tickets to the Travel Office for possible credit.