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Types of Travel - Conference Travel

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conference travel

What is a Conference?

   General Definition:   “Conference” is defined in the Federal Travel Regulation as, a meeting, retreat, seminar, symposium, or event that involves attendee travel. The term “conference” also applies to training activities that are considered conferences under 5 S.C.F.R. 410.404”.  However, this definition is only a starting point.  What constitutes a conference for the purpose of this guidance is a fact-based determination based on an evaluation of the criteria established in this attachment.

   Additional Info: Conferences subject to this guidance are also often referred to by names other than “conference”.  Other common terms used include conventions, expositions symposiums, seminars, workshops, or exhibitions.  They typically involve topical matters of interest to, and the participation of, multiple agencies and/or nongovernmental participations.  Indicia of a formal conference often include but are not limited to registration, registration fees, published substantive agenda, and scheduled speakers, or discussion panels.  Individual events may qualify as conferences without meeting all of the indicia listed above, but will generally meet some of them.  Please note that some training events may qualify as conferences for the purposes of this guidance, particularly if they take place in a hotel or conference center.

   Local events that do not require advance travel authorization may also qualify as a conference for the purposes of this guidance if the event exhibits other key indications of a conference , especially the payment of registration, exhibitor, sponsor or conference fee. Local travel (under 50 miles) is no longer excluded for purposes of determining whether an event is a conference. 

Conference Exemptions

Conference Approvals

Submission Requirements


What is Not a Conference?

  • Operational meetings such as peer reviews, program reviews, and construction project reviews are, generally speaking, not considered a conference because they are aimed at evaluation of discrete program projects or initiatives of DOE. 
  • Another example of an “operational” function is DOE program officials meeting with DOE contractors concerning particular work under a contract. 
  • Fermilab PAC meeting in Aspen, URA visiting Committee, UEC Monthly Meetings
  • CMS associated activities & CMS Week  have special exemption from the Office of Science and is NOT a conference
  • Operational events that focus on being engaged in actually carrying out the work.

* Reminder: Local travel exclusion is no longer considered for purposes of determining whether an event is a conference. For more information, see What is Not a Conference?


Conference trip requests MUST be submitted 70 days before conference start date.  Allow time for appropriate reviews and approval and country clearance requirements for foreign travel conferences.


Questions: Contact Rosa Foote at ext.2952 or email rosa@fnal.gov


