Education Programs

  ORNL Director Thom Mason (left) and Chris Ludtka, a senior at Oak Ridge High School. Ludtka is the winner of the 2011 UT-Battelle scholarship, a four-year scholarship to the University of Tennessee. (Photo by Jason Richards/ORNL)
ORNL Director Thom Mason (left) and Adam LaClair, a senior at Oak Ridge High School. LaClair is the winner of the 2012 UT-Battelle scholarship, a four-year scholarship to the University of Tennessee. (Photo by Jason Richards/ORNL)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory has a long history of linking with academia. Currently ORNL has educational programs in place for all scientific disciplines, and for all levels in the educational continuum from pre-college through postgraduate.

For more information on ORNL and its education-related activities, please refer to the resources listed below or contact ORNL Education Programs coordinator, Linda Holmes (, 865.576.3192).