K-12 Educational Programs

ORNL/Appalachian Regional Commission Summer Science Honors Academy

Over the past 15 years, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) have provided a two-week summer research experience for ARC students and teachers hosted by ORNL's research divisions. This program allows outstanding students from the thirteen-state ARC region to participate in ongoing laboratory research projects applying the tools and methods used at ORNL in science, mathematics and technology. The purpose of the Academy is to encourage high school students to consider careers in science and mathematics.

Students (seniors or graduating seniors) and teachers are selected by ARC state representatives. Student selection criteria include academic records, teacher recommendations, and a submission of letter of interest. Approximately 40 students and 10 teachers participate in the Academy annually.

Information about the 2013 program, including the application, may be found at 
http://www.arc.gov/program_areas/ARCOakRidge2013SummerPrograms.asp. The deadline for applications is on or before February 27, 2013.

For further information, contact Leigha Edwards at 865/241-9309 or email ledwards@ornl.gov.

Partnership with the American Museum of Science and Energy

http://www.ornl.gov/info/news/cco/images/camper.jpgORNL works with the American Museum of Science and Energy to offer several educational programs, including summer day camps, the Annual Junior Science and Humanities Symposium and other activities for Kindergarten through second grade, third through fifth grades and sixth through twelfth grades. For more information, see AMSE's Outreach Website.

Support for area high school science labs

http://www.ornl.gov/info/news/cco/images/mhs1.jpgUT-Battelle, which manages ORNL for the Department of Energy, has made a series of legacy investments in the surrounding community as part of its corporate citizenship efforts. Science education has been a focus of those investments.
Since 2000, UT-Battelle has made a series of $10,000 gifts to Tennessee high schools for the enhancement and upgrading of science classrooms and laboratories. Schools may use the gifts to purchase equipment at their discretion, as long as it is for a science-based subject. Many schools (as of December 2008 more than 40 schools have participated in the program) have used the funds to purchase equipment, supplies and study aids for their science labs. In one instance, a rural high school's gift spurred the local school system to hire a science instructor.
For further information, contact Leigha Edwards at 865/241-9309 or email ledwards@ornl.gov.

Educational Tours

Special-guided, general orientation, and other "customized" tours are offered primarily for educational groups who are interested in learning more about the history, history, current missions, and research and development at ORNL. Advance registration is required, and participation is limited to U.S. citizens. Other restrictions apply as well.
For more information about the tour programs, contact Fred Strohl (strohlhf@ornl.gov, 865-574-4165).

Speaker's Bureau

ORNL staff members are called upon frequently to discuss their work and its importance to the nation. These speaking engagements include talks in school classrooms, assemblies and career fairs. The Laboratory also provides a volunteer base for judges and advisors for local and regional science fairs and science-based activities. ORNL's Speakers' Bureau serves as a focal point for arrangements between educational institutions seeking speakers and Laboratory staff members who have volunteered their services within the limits of available time and program commitments.
For further information, contact Fred Strohl at 865/574-4165 or email strohlhf@ornl.gov.
http://www.ornl.gov/info/news/cco/images/legokids.jpgOther K-12 science education initiatives that receive support from UT-Battelle and ORNL include