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Decision Analysis Series

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Assessment, synthesis and dissemination of existing coastal resource information is needed to ensure that decision makers have access to appropriate, useful information for management decisions. The Coastal Ocean Program has published the following synthesis documents of interest to the coastal science community:

DAS# Title Authors Year Links
26 Effects of Nutrient Enrichment in the Nation's Estuaries: A Decade of Change Bricker, S., B. Longstaff, W. Dennison, A. Jones, K. Boicourt, C. Wicks, and J. Woerner 2007


25 Visual Impact Assessment of Small Docks and Piers: Theory and Practice Bliven, S. and R. Kelty 2005 Description | PDF
24 The Southeast Bering Sea Ecosystem: Implications for Marine Resource Management [June 2004] S. Allen Macklin and George L. Hunt, Jr. (Editors) 2004

Description | PDF

23 Science-Based Restoration Monitoring of Coastal Habitats; Volume One: A Framework for Monitoring Plans Under the Estuaries and Clean Waters Act of 2000 (Public Law 160-457) Thayer, Gordon W., Teresa A. McTigue, Russell J. Bellmer, Felicity M. Burrows, David H. Merkey, Amy D. Nickens, Stephen J. Lozano, Perry F. Gayaldo, Pamela J. Polmateer, and P. Thomas Pinit 2003

Description, Volume 1 | PDF

Description, Volume 2 | PDF

22 Environmental and Asthetic Impacts of Small Docks and Piers Kelty, Ruth A. and Steve Bliven 2003 Description | PDF
21 COASTAL: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change. Edited by: Donald F. Boesch, John C. Field, and Donald Scavia 2000 Description | PDF
20 Evaluation of the Economic Costs and Benefits of Methods for Reducing Nutrient Loads to the Gulf of Mexico: Topic 6 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Doering, Otto C., Francisco Diaz-Hermelo, Crystal Howard, Ralph Heimlich, Fred Hitzhusen, Richard Kazmierczak, John Lee, Larry Libby, Walter Milon, and Tony Prato 1999 Description | PDF
19 Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially Nitrate-Nitrogen to Surface Water, Ground Water, and the Gulf of Mexico: Topic 5 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Mitsch, William J., John W. Day, Jr., J. Wendell Gilliam, Peter M. Groffman, Donald L. Hey, Gyles W. Randall, and Naiming Wang 1999 Description | PDF
18 Effects of Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface Waters within the Mississippi River Basin and the Gulf of Mexico: Topic 4 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Brezonik, Patrick L. Victor Bierman, Jr., Richard Alexander, James Anderson, John Barko, Mark Dortch, Lorin Hatch, Gary Hitchcock, Dennis Kenney, David Mulla, Val Smith, Clive Walker, Terry Whitledge, and William J. Wiseman, Jr. 1999 Description | PDF
17 Flux and Sources of Nutrients in the Mississippi-Atchafalya River Basin: Topic 3 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Goolsby, Donald A. William A. Battalin, Gregory B. Lawrence, Richard S. Artz, Brent T. Aulenbach, Richard P. Hooper, Dennis R. Kenney, and Gary J. Stensland 1999 Description | PDF
16 Ecological and Economic Consequences of Hypoxia: Topic 2 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Diaz, Robert J., and Andrew Solow 1999 Description | PDF
15 Characterization of Hypoxia: Topic 1 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Rabalais, Nancy N., R. Eugene Turner, Dubravko Justic, Quay Dortch, and William Wiseman Jr. 1999 Description | PDF
14 Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Edited by Wiseman, Rabalais, Dagg & Whitledge 1999 Description | PDF
13 Bering Sea FOCI Final Report 1998 Edited by S. Allen Macklin 1998 Description | PDF
12 Guidelines for the Conservation and Restoration of Seagrasses in the United States and Adjacent Waters Mark S. Fonseca, W. Judson Kenworthy, and Gordon W. Thayer 1998 PDF
11 Change in Pacific Northwest Coastal Ecosystems Edited by Gregory R. McMurray and Robert J. Baily 1998 Description | PDF
10 Harmful Algal Blooms in Coastal Waters: Options for Prevention, Control and Mitigation Donald F. Boesch, Donald M. Anderson, Rita A. Horner, Sandra E. Shumway, Patricia A. Tester, Terry E. Whitledge 1997 Description | PDF
9 Atmospheric Nutrient Input to Coastal Areas - Reducing the Uncertainties Richard A. Valigura, Winston T. Luke, Richard S. Artz, Bruce B. Hicks 1996 Description | PDF
8 Watershed Restoration - A Guide for Citizen Involvement in California William F. Kier Associates, Sausalito, California 1995 Description | PDF
7 Forestry Impacts on Freshwater Habitat of Anadromous Salmonids in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska -- Requirements for Protection and Restoration. Michael L. Murphy 1995 Description | PDF
6 Methodologies and Mechanisms for Management of Cumulative Coastal Environmental Impacts Marine Law Institute, University of Maine School of Law 1995 Description | PDF
5 Economic Valuation of Resources: A Handbook for Coastal Resource Policymakers Douglas W. Lipton, Katherine Wellman 1995 Description | PDF
4 Marine Eutrophication Review Kenneth R. Hinga, Heeseon Jeon, Noelle F. Lewis 1995 Description | PDF
3 Bibliography of Synthesis Documents on Selected Coastal Ocean Topics Elaine V.Collins, Maureen Woods, Isobel C. Sheiffer, Janice Beattie 1994 Description | PDF
2 Technology and Success in Restoration, Creation and Enhancement of Spartina Alterniflora Marshes in the United States [2 volumes] Geoffrey A. Matthews and Thomas J. Minello 1994 Description | PDF
1 Synthesis of Summer Flounder Habitat Parameters Kenneth W. Able and Susan C. Kaiser 1994 Description | PDF

Single copies are available from the Coastal Ocean Office. Please contact by phone: 301-713-3338 or email: