Adoption Tracking Service

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Link to Directions

The Adoptions Tracking Service (ATS) is an Internet-based system that adoption service providers and accrediting entities use to provide information on intercountry adoptions to the U.S. Department of State.

Accrediting entities and adoption service providers that are accredited or approved to provide adoption services for Hague Adoption Convention adoption cases are required to use the ATS to give information to the Department of State. The Department of State also has authority to collect certain information from adoption service providers who offer non-Hague Convention intercountry adoptions.


ATS has 4 primary functions:

  1. Track all incoming and outgoing adoption cases involving the United States, regardless of whether the case occurs under the Convention;
  2. Manage and track the accreditation/approval status of adoption service providers;
  3. Manage adoption service provider and accrediting entity contact information; and,
  4. Produce Congressional and management reports and correspondence for the Department of State.

In order to keep ATS secure, the Department of State grants access to ATS only to specific representatives of adoption service providers through an access application form. Once access is granted, the Department e-mails a PKI security certificate for access to ATS. Logins are protected with a secure password.

Request a PKI Certificate (Accredited/Approved Adoption Service Providers only)

Enter ATS (Password Protected)

View ATS Online Training to learn how to use and navigate the Adoption Tracking Service Internet-based system