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Research Learning Center Clearinghouse

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Research Learning Centers ("Centers") have been developed to facilitate research efforts and provide educational opportunities. They are places where science and education come together to preserve and protect areas of national significance. They have been designed as public-private partnerships that involve a wide range of people and organizations including researchers, universities, educators, and community groups.

One of the primary goals of the Centers is to attract non-NPS scientists to conduct research in national parks. These scholars then assist managers by conducting research on prioritized park projects. In turn, research results help park managers in making science-based decisions.

Additionally, staff at the Centers have the expertise to synthesize the information and transfer it to local communities and a broader audience electronically as well as other means of dissemination. The Centers may be physically located at one particular park or, as some Centers are part of a larger network of parks, while one park may act as the host activities may occur at any of the parks that are part of the network.

How to get Involved
Research Learning Centers are for Researchers
How Educators can Benefit from Research Learning Centers
National Park Service Research Learning Centers attract qualified researchers and world-renowned scholars. They are also places for graduate students to gain new skills and become proficient in a specialized area of interest.
  • Which Research Learning Center is right for me?
  • Is a permit required?
  • Overnight accommodations and lab work?
  • Examples of research conducted?
  • Tips for Researchers
Although Research Learning Centers primarily promote scientific research in national parks, the benefits and provisions for educators are exceptional. Teachers who are instructing from elementary school through college are invited to set up a program with the education specialist or coordinator at the Research Learning Center of interest.
  • What education and outreach activities are available?
  • Compliance with state or national standards?
  • What other educational opportunities are available beyond the Research Learning Centers?
  • Tips for Educators

update on 11/14/2005  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/learningcenters/index.cfm   I  Email: Contact Us
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