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Supporting the development of the next generation of African leaders

November 14, 2012

Africa’s labor force will be larger than China’s by 2035, according to statistics recently released by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. By the end of the century, 41 percent of the world’s youth live in African. The Mo Ibrahim Foundation, which invests in governance and leadership to catalyze Africa’s transformation, has also released some other, less optimistic numbers about the continent,
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It’s as simple as a stove

August 30, 2012

How one appliance can saves lives, empower women, and reduce pollution in the developing world. By Mimi Alemayehou Nearly every mother’s daily routine includes making meals for her children no matter where on this planet she happens to live. In the U.S., we have a range of easy, efficient appliances to choose from when preparing a meal – stovetop, oven,
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Featured photo: Africa Day on Capitol Hill

June 22, 2012

OPIC Executive Vice President Mimi Alemayehou spoke at Africa Day on Capitol Hill, June 20, where she introduced the Africa Society’s 2012 African Business Titans. Alemayehou is pictured here with U.S. Representatives Ed Royce and Jeff Fortenberry, as well as Africa Society President Bernadette Paolo and the honorees, Captain Hosa Wells Okunbo and sir Lucky Omoluwa.  

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OPIC Executive Vice President Mimi Alemayehou Discusses Extensive Growth Opportunities in Africa

May 21, 2012

In this Q&A video, OPIC Vice President Mimi Alemayehou discusses the extensive growth opportunities in Africa, including the demand for energy and power as the continent continues to develop.

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Calling on Caribbean entrepreneurs

March 01, 2012

Last year OPIC, in cooperation with the Department of State, agreed to provide $150 million to support winning projects in two 2012 business proposal competitions to be conducted in 2012 by State’s new International Diaspora Engagement Alliance (IdEA). One of those competitions, the Caribbean IdEA Marketplace, launched on March 1, 2012. OPIC will provide $50 million to support the Caribbean
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Liberia: The next six years and beyond

January 17, 2012

OPIC Executive Vice President Mimi Alemayehou on Liberian President Johnson-Sirleaf When Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf first became President of a war-torn Liberia in 2006, she helped usher in a period of reconciliation and rebuilding, as she worked to reduce poverty, strengthen businesses and forge stronger ties with the United States and foreign investors. This week President Johnson-Sirleaf – a recent Nobel Peace
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Alemayehou: Why the Diaspora is an increasingly important part of OPIC’s client base

December 20, 2011

A recent cover story in The Economist described immigrant networks as “a rare bright spot in the world economy. Around that same time. OPIC Executive Vice President Mimi Alemayehou addressed a forum at the World Bank about innovative ways to engage the diaspora, where she outlined why members of diaspora communities often made attractive investors in the developing world. The text of her September 14,
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OPIC co-hosts luncheon for companies interested in investing in MENA

August 15, 2011

OPIC co-hosted a luncheon with the State Department at the Chamber of Commerce on August 11 for U.S. Companies investing, or interested in investing, in Egypt and Tunisia.  OPIC’s Executive Vice President Mimi Alemayehou, and Managing Director of Investment Development and Coordination John Moran (pictured), spoke to representatives of some 40 major U.S. companies about the financial tools OPIC offers
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Photo: President of Guinea visits OPIC

August 02, 2011

Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea, visited OPIC August 1 and met with OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield and OPIC Executive Vice President Mimi Alemayehou. President Condé highlighted some of the policy changes he is working to implement in Guinea. The group discussed opportunities for private investment in Guinea, primarily in the power, water, and agricultural sectors,
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